Jigg-さん 誕生日おめでと!

Happy BDay to Jigg! The whole gang threw a surprise bday party for her, kudos to DS & KS, and the rest for turning up at the party!

Pics will be up when I get them.

Happy bday gal! May the year be another fruitful one for you! =D

kudos to friendster!

Thanks to Friendster, I got to know how 2 of my lost-touch friends have been since we last met many years ago. One is already married with a 7 mth old baby gal. Not surprised, since we’re all of marriageable age now. It feels great to know how she’d been. Really missed her around in SG.

I have more to say but nowhere to start on. Prob is I’m too tired. Had not been having enough sleep these days

What a dream..

Gal A and Guy B were classmates in school. Gal had a crush on Guy back then. Till now Gal has been consistently giving Guy her support in whatever Guy does.

One day, Gal chanced upon Guy’s diary. In one particular entry, Guy wrote about a gal called XiaoAi, who had been with him for many years and constantly giving him her support. Guy wrote that he is grateful to her.

Guy’s friends knew about XiaoAi, but also knew that it was not the real name, but a nickname given by Guy. At a recent class gathering, being mutual friends, Guy’s friends keep hinting that XiaoAi is actually Gal A.

Both of them kept quiet and did not have any response.

What a dream. Details of it were remembered so clearly that I knew at once who Guy & Gal was. But just what does the dream mean?