
Finally lived this design. Spent quite sometime inserting those links. =|

Orangy theme, something different from the piano theme you’ve seen from day 1 sunshine is lived 3 years ago. Wah… I’ve been blogging for 3 years+?? Amazing how I can keep this interest alive, knowing that usually my interest in anything lasts for only 3 mins sometimes.

It had been a long way for me here. Started blogging @ blog-city, which the account I still hold for certain topics. Moved on to xanga, livejournal.. you name it, I have it. Come to think of it, my very first blogging account was with dairyland? An account I setup when I was still studying in TP. Haha.. didn’t like the idea of blogging back then, think it has collected layers of dust to date.

It striked upon me one day that I should have my own domain, main intention is to host my portfolio ( which, sad to say, I’ve not done anything about the portfolio YET ). My first step was to create a blog database, which was provided free by the hosting company. That was how came about. For three years, being a lousy designer, I stuck with the piano theme, since it look simple and nice. The only minus point about it is, I had to manually convert chinese characters to unicode format before uploading.

Cut the story short. It’s getting pretty boring. =D

Anyway new theme, new layout. Removed some links, added nothing. The sunshine fits just so in-line with the orangy theme. Fits perfectly!

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