
I realised I missed out on Saturday! *faints*

Finally had a chance to play badminton again! After 1 month! -.-”

Had a late morning session instead of the night session, thanks to EPL. Hahha..

4 of us, 2 courts. with 3 people flying us aeroplane.

Played till arms sore, probably due to too long nv play.

After 2 hours, it’s lunch @ Can 2!!! Woohoo! I simply miss the food there. Fried Fish soup set! Managed to finish up the ingredients, left more than half of the plate of rice untouched. =( Was feeling full actually. Hahah.. But just wanted to eat the food that I miss!

Left house at 3.40pm, waited till 4+ for the guys to pick me up from the bus stop. Proceeded to job fair @ suntec.  Games Fest was interesting. The Playpark quest queue was so long that we decided to give up on the pretty-looking playpark paperbag. You gotta queue to take the quest card, and complete 8 quests at 8 stations, before you can queue to get the paperbag. LoL. The bag’s pretty, but the queue was too long for our liking. After walking around, I saw PS3! Wii! PSP! OMG.. I feel like buying =X Wii is interesting!

Before I buy on impulse.. we left for the job fair at level 4. hhaha.. Feels pretty small scale. No I’m not looking for a job, already turned down an offer after the company tried asking me 3 times. =| But there doesn’t seem to have any jobs / companies that can catch my eye.. Except probably those related to airport. =D

Food fest was next door. I shoo-ed the guys out of it before we were 20 steps in. Too smoky. And all 3 of us were fresh out from shower. *bleah*

Finally bought my facial products from Faceshop @ Marina Square (MS again..) The series was out of stock at other outlets. I wonder if it really is that good. Probably I can tell u that in 2 months’ time after I try it out.

Dinner.. was at e.Blackboard @ Bedok. Simply because we’ve not been there for ages, and I felt like eating steak. Hee.. And so we went all the way there. Yay! Jem’s cousin & cousin-in-law were there, so we had priority. Hahahah.. Food was served pretty quickly, and we had soup! Not to say that GST was absorbed for us. =D Rare chance for dinner @ e.blackboard to be done by 8pm. I was taking my own sweet time savouring the steak. Niceeeeeeeee.

Thinking of where to go after dinner. ECP was rejected. Hahha.. and so we’re left with .. Airport!! Long time since the 3 of us went there. The sky train was new (think it was already new the last time we were there, except that the platforms at T1 & T2 were under renovation then).

We took a long stroll (car was parked at T2) from the carpark to the other end of T2, and back to the carpark area to take the sky train to T1. Haha.. T2 was PACKED. Probably like wat Jk said, it’s the peak hour for arrival / departure. Was looking at the departure screens.. saw.. SQ638. My first thought.. “Ansley! your plane is here!” LoL.

At T1.. how can we miss out the viewing gallery? It’s my favourite spot! Planes coming in and out. Getting to know more about them from Jk. Missed those days when I studied for exams there. And that’s like.. 8/9 yrs ago? Gosh that’s LONG ago.

Walked around. Went Swensons. UNBELIEVABLE LONG QUEUE! Ended up buying just single / double scoops of ice cream to eat. =(

And so, it’s home sweet home at 10pm. Which is pretty early considering that our normal home time is about 12.

No.. we’re not bad influences on one another. In case you are wondering.

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