SingTel F1 Exclusive Blogger Race

I’m honoured to be one of the few who were invited to this closed door event! =D Thanks to Nanyate for the invitation!

Was supposed to meet Qiquan, Victor, Huishan & Vincent @ Raffles Place MRT at 6.45pm (at which I knew only at 6.25pm, thanks to QQ LOL). Sped to Cityhall MRT within 15mins, caught the incoming train (that says 1min arrival time when I reached the station). 5mins later I’m at RP MRT. Not knowing which direction the exit-escalator is, I clumsily walked onto a sitting bench – and my knees pained like hell for that few minutes. (must have hanged out with HS too often and I got claudsified -_-)

A long walk to the Singtel Training Centre @ Pickering Operations Complex. Sweating profusely by the time we reached. LOL

And saw a few familiar faces – DK, Nadia, Mus, Yin, Claudia, Daniel.

Taking our time to cool down, we had a quick (provided) dinner.

And it’s time to race on the F1 simulators! woohoo~ (I didn’t take much photos though)

Vincent started first!

Vincent listening to instructions
Vincent listening to instructions

But the moment he started racing… see the look on his face LOL

See the stressed look on Vincents face
See the stressed look on Vincent's face

Lap time: 5:25

Next is QQ after a little bit of persuasion!

Qiquan listening intentively
Qiquan listening intentively

Lap time: 5.3x ?

And it’s MY TURN!! Felt so excited sitting in the simulator! And it’s FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE!! How on earth can the racers tahan such sitting position?!?!??! No photo on my camera, but here’s a failed attempt by HS (using my camera)

Lap time: 4:06! I’m proud of myself! I do not possess a driving license FYI. πŸ˜€

(While I was racing, Victor was at the other simulator. HS was in possession of my camera, thus no video)

Victors stressed look
Victor's stressed look

Why do everyone look so stress?! hahaha

HS’s up next!

EHHHH SHE BROKE MY RECORD BY 2SECS! #^$)@*#)*$%)W%*$)&%^#

Lap time: 4:04

HS you are PLAIN LUCKY! hahahaha!

More photos / videos will be up when I get hold of them!

Seriously, I’m amazed with the simulator! To think that I once aspired to be a game developer hahaahahha! I want to race again!! Can the simulator be publicly available PLEASE?

4 Apr – Cheer Chen’s The Sun concert

Earlier this month, I was at Cheer Chen’s concert. By a series of events, I ended up going with JK instead of colleague. LOL.

Weeks prior to that, JK missioned me to learn ALL her songs coz I wasn’t that familiar with them. I was too busy (with work if you’d kept up with my plurks) to learn.. yes I could have listened while working but it’s hard to concentrate. πŸ™

A search on google for the concert poster brought me to this site. It’s interesting to know that STB actually posts such concerts into the events calendar. Amazed that the site is pretty updated.

Was supposed to meet JK at 5.30pm, but I was dilly-dallying (I think) that I was late, and took cab down, only to realise that.. he woke up only at 5.30pm.. -_-! Since it was still early, I went into Coffeebean and enjoyed myself with a cuppa Ice Blended Mocha and iPhone in hand. Feels good to do that, probably I should try it again πŸ™‚

Dinner was good. Simple food fare @ Pastamania. Couldn’t finish my food though, the serving was huge. Nevertheless, it was time well spent. =)

Decided to walk over to Indoor Stadium at 7. Didn’t realise that Star Pass holders can enter the venue early! Good thing I brought my card! Was planning to get some momentos, but nothing interest me. LoL.

I tried to do a live update when the concert started, but found it hard ‘coz I didn’t know the titles of the songs. Mission FAIL. haha!

First time hearing her live. Have heard that her unplug is nice, courtesy of JK, years back. But wasn’t really a fan of hers. No regrets going for her concert this year though! She’s good (and I think that’s what I always say, regardless which concert I go to). I like hearing her sing live. unplugged. And now I have another added to the “must go” list – Mayday, David Tao, Cheer Chen.

A random search on youtube

3 years ago her voice was already that good =)

Plantar fasciitis

My last entry on Plantar fasciitis was 5 months ago. It didn’t go off, but came back as and when it liked. The short research I did merely helped me understand more about it, until I was telling NLS about it yesterday. He sent me this link, which took me quite sometime to digest the information.

Quite an informative site I’d say. I’m now more determined to keep to the schedule of stretching the legs. Yes.. the pain became more obvious recently, until I had to stop wearing my Neckerman sandals (which I usually wear to work) and wore the crocs instead. Heck the weird colour combination, I needed my foot to be cushioned to feel comfortable.

The doc visit back then helped only informatively. I didn’t take the prescribed painkiller. Didn’t keep to the schedule of stretching the legs 3 times a day. Regretted. I can’t go for foot reflexology now, coz it really pained when the heel is pressed πŸ™ And I still have 6 more sessions to go (I signed a package)!

7 Mar – Ah Ma’s Bday Celebration

I kept thinking to myself why I wasn’t early for the celebration, then I suddenly remembered I was involved with SDSC’s Flag Day *facepalm*

And so the story goes..

I wasn’t at Uncle KS’s place in the morning, but Auntie Siew Siew passed me the photos she took.

Ah Ma with Lele
Ah Ma enjoying her longevity noodles

The celebration began with Lele presented Ah Ma with the bouquet of roses on behalf of all the uncles & aunts.

Lele presenting the bouquet of roses to Ah Ma
Lele presenting the bouquet of roses to Ah Ma
Ah Ma with the roses
Ah Ma with the roses

The long awaited song!

Photo taking session started with the 3rd generation first!

The cousins (with 8 missing ones)
The cousins (with 8 missing ones)

See the little girl in yellow? She’s born on the same birthdate as me! πŸ˜€

The 4th generation - my nephews & nieces (with 1 missing in action)
The 4th generation - my nephews & nieces (with 1 missing in action)

There were many other family shots taken, but I think I’ll bore you with them, so I’m keeping the story short. I thought the following collage was nice. Random shots I took of Jiawen (girl in white) & Wanxin (girl in green). Do the photos tell you a story? πŸ˜€

Random shots taken with my iPhone
Random shots taken with my iPhone

Repeated many times, I still love such family gatherings! Can’t wait for the next one to come. Mothers’ Day celebration!

Peace after the storm

Caught a cold. Didn’t sleep well last night due to blocked nose, am still having blocked nose now :(. Been trying to sleep for the past hour but to no avail. Tired as I am, the blocked nose is keeping me awake. I need the doc tmr.

The site’s launched at last. Something that I took over in the development stage and single-handedly built the site. I’m proud of myself, learnt more of the cms now =)

ε…ˆη”œεŽθ‹¦γ€ ε…ˆθ‹¦εŽη”œ. I think it’s neither. ε…ˆθ‹¦εŽδΉŸθ‹¦οΌbut that’s just work.

the impromptu dinner

I was thinking.. I need to add life to this blog. Seeing how Grouser’s blog became livier after she added in Movie Reviews entries, I was tempted to follow the trend.

But!!! I’m not good at writing! And I don’t watch movies that often! πŸ˜€

Maybe I should just give it a try.

Life, being mundane as usual, today was spent.. in the office! Woohoo~ If you’d heard my (private) rant on plurk, you’d have known why.

6 hours into torturing myself in the office (alone physically), I read (on plurk) that the guys are back in SG! Knowing the coach will bring them to somewhere-near the office area, I thought I’ll call and ask if they want to meet for dinner. Heh! And tata! 7.30pm (and I was slightly late…) I’m at Funan’s Swensens! Nice impromptu dinner with them. There’s always endless (innocent) laughter with them around. Thanks guys (and gals)!