Merry Xmas 2006!

While my laptop is being formatted with the new 100GB harddisk, there shan’t be any photo updates.

Been a long time since my friendster profile received testimonials. Thanks to Arcane & Xiao-mei for their Xmas postings! LOL

Did a good deed today! Returned a Sony Ericsson phone to the owner this morning! I can totally understand how it feels to lose a phone, especially when Grouser lost her phone twice this year. =X Being the nice skycloud, I returned it to the young kid who lost the phone. =)

Shun-bian meet Fen for breakfast @ BPP. Hahha.. knowing that she won’t reject my invitation unless she already has an appointment, I jio-ed her almost at the last min 😛 Had an interesting breakfast! Glad to have a friend to chat with! =]

After 3-4 long years, finally met up with CP, Cat & Lupin! Not including SF here coz I see her almost every week for revision. Hahha.. The C11C group didn’t have a class gathering for a long long long time! Wanted to get more people but the below-standard Liason Officer didn’t have everyone’s contact in her phone contact list. *oops* The gathering started with me & SF missing each other on the MRT (she alighted while I boarded the same train at the same station LOL). CP then called to say she’ll be late by half hour. Ah.. the 2 of us walked around VivoCity looking for GV. Tried to get tickets but only the first row seats were available! The queue was horrendous FYI.. Gonna book tickets the next time you want to watch movie at GV VivoCity. By the time we were out of the queue, CP has yet to arrive -_-“.

Since Vivo was overly crowded, the 3 of us decided to go somewhere else for dinner. While waiting for the still-having-hangover Cat to pick up our calls, I went to try on a dress which I KIV-ed with Fen the last time we went there. The design’s nice, but too bad I don’t have the correct figure to wear it =(

Everywhere’s crowded on a beautiful Christmas. Thankfully there wasn’t any heavy rain to dampen the Christmas mood! The train was still crowded when we left Vivo for Bugis at 4+pm. Yeah we decided to proceed to where Cat lives. Hahah! Met her at Sim Lim Square, while I buy my laptop harddisk. Getting a new one ‘coz the current one is getting squeaky!

Dinner was Sakae Sushi! Since CP is a vegetarian, Sakae @ Bugis was one of the few outlets that offer Vagetarian food. (Will upload the menu when my laptop is ready for usage.) Lupin joined us not long after. It was a good 2 hours of food and chat. I’m being labeled the pampered kid ‘coz I took only the red plates. Ahhhhhh no I’m not a pampered kid! I just know how to enjoy food! >< Walked around Bugis Junction with icecream on hand. The new Japanese Ice Cream which I've forgotten the name. The stall's everywhere around SG, green colour, and each icecream comes in a mini tub form, which are transformed to the cream-form that are than transferred onto the cones. Ah I have a bad sense of description! Ahhhh ... those were the days when the 5 of us would hang out at Bugis after school. I miss those carefree days =( And that.. ended the chapter on Xmas 2006. What will be the next chapter on? Quite a lengthy entry today. Been ages since I had such a happening day.. Does that mean my life's getting mundane? With the same old stuff day in and out? Sounds pathetic. But still, I shan't waste my life away this way! It is always at this time that I'd always come up with resolutions that I'd always say I'll try to follow. Since resolutions don't work every year, I shall give up on that idea. LOL After a long wait.. 1 week has finally gone by! The new episode is out! But there's 2 parts thus far, and there's 16 parts in total! Wah think I have to wait till Wed for the whole episode to be uplaoded? -_-" I've fallen in love with the male lead. Just so caring and sensitive. Is there such a person in real life? Wah this post was started at 11+pm, and completed at 2.45am. And I'm tired while waiting for part 3 of the show to be uploaded. *yawnz*

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