Up on the Singapore Flyer for F1 Night Race

Thanks to @24seven for the tickets!

Had a chance to go up the flyer (2nd time in 2 weeks) for the Singtel F1 Night Race! Woohoo~ (The previous visit was a trip sponsored by STB, by 24seven too!) [If I can get those posts up…]

Saw this tweet by 24seven, Victor, Huishan & me decided to try our luck. I didn’t get the tickets, but both of them did! So I still get to tag along! 😀

Go flyer.. cannot forget Pinkys right? hahhaah

Found a box to house them!


Met Qiquan, Victor & Huishan for dinner @ Central Waraku. Saw the flyer Level-1-access package (which we later understood that it means access to level 1 viewing area but not the level 2 & 3 ones).

The Singapore Flyer – F1 pass allows us unlmited rides. Didn’t know what that orange strip was meant for, but we put it on anyway. (Only when we left the place did we realise that.. that is the media pass! *facepalm*) The card also gave us unlimited rides on the water taxi that ferries us from Clarke Quay Jerry to Raffles Marina Jetty and vice versa.

Water taxi leh! Who will take a water taxi from Clarke Quay to Singapore Flyer? Vaguely remembered reading about it sometime back, when it was newly launched. But I can’t seem to find any information on the web. Only managed to find a link for the River Cruise, which is SGD15 for a 30min ride. Oh! Found the link! But the boat we took was the one for the River Cruise. Bigger!

Since the practise race starts only at 10pm (missed the 7pm one), we decided to go for a ride up the flyer first. Capsule’s not very crowded, so out come the Pinkys!

(I usually don’t edit my photos unless I’m printing them. So what you’re seeing are the original ones! Zhiwei commented that I compose well after seeing the Dairy Farm Nature Park photos.. I don’t think that applies to this batch of photos leh)



The above photo, I was trying to get a feel of Yoshiko (that’s the name of this pinky!) looking at the circuit. I think.. it’s almost there?


She’s my favourite pinky coz of the sweet look she has on the face. But.. I cannot neglect the rest right?

This round of flyer, I took out 3 pinkys. Out of the 9 that I brought along. (The other 9, unfortunately, did not get to see the scenic view in the end)


An attempt for a group (pair) shot with Maki!


That’s Miko!



I thought this photo look nice, with the CBD area at the back. =)

That’s about it for the Pinkys shots.. We took a breather somewhere and took another round up the flyer, just in time for the race to start!

My 6-yr-old camera failed me at my attempt for the F1 shots up the flyer. Hahahah.. It has only 3x zoom! The shots were so bad I didn’t want to post them here. Some of them are up on my flickr set though!

Huishan has some nice shots (she said only 3 passed her mark), but she hasn’t uploaded yet. Got those 3 from her!




Now that is the difference between my trusty Canon Powershot A80 to her Nikon D300 =X I need a new camera with more zoom!

Oh! I took a short video while up on the flyer! Listen to the ZOOM ZOOM noise! woohoo~

Shiok hor? 😀

Went over to the race track (level 1 viewing area) and attempted some shots. Mostly failed, quite blur! Either settings were wrong or forgot to use macro hahahaha


One of the few that made the mark..

It was a nice experience being so close to the track. Thanks again @24seven (@claudia) for the tickets! It’s a nice birthday gift! 😀

Took the water taxi back to Clarke Quay  (which took us 1 hour to reach!). Headed over to Liang Court McD and a bit of monopoly deal, which DK joined us the moment he knew we’re there LOL. Played Deal till almost 4am, after which DK sent all of us back. Thanks DK for the ride home!


Post edit: Forgot to include the link to the flickr set =D