Was being asked via facebook chat, if I have any blogger friends interested in attending the Changi Airport Race event.
Of course I’d say I want to go right? π
Who knows.. at the next instant..
So.. I’m not as famous as Pat Law.
So my blog stats isn’t high up on the chart..
Even if you were asking as a friend, you’re still talking to a (not so famous) blogger. To think that I was so supportive of your projects over the past 2 yrs..
I’m disappointed.
So if any one of you’s interested in attending the event, I can help pass to him. But I need details like “Your blog, Stats, hits, genre. and include 5 friends”.
Remember, they “have to screen” and you have to be “as famous as Pat”.
Looks like we all don’t qualify. Nevermind lah. We go Toys R Us buy a remote control plane and a remote control car and race ourselves.
This is what may happen when a Traditional Digital Agency tries to pass off as a Social Media Agency.
@dk: I think they are looking or A-listers. We B and C listers can stand one side. LOL.
then I belong to the Z listers lor.. according to Alexa.. hahaha
I am quite speechless that my jaw is to the floor. -_-
Everyone claims to know the new media platform well… But in actual fact, no one does as new media is still relatively new in Singapore. So what if the agency people can get a famous blogger to attend? Yes, with the “fabulous” goodies bag, he might stay a bit and write a few lines of the whole experience, etc. The thing which ad agency failed to consider when comes to new media’s blog is that that are famous bloggers’ readers fit their target audiences? Sometimes, a less famous blogger might do a more effective job of reaching out to the targeted audiences because they attracted specific group of readers.
I suggest you should ban him from your facebook profile.
Vic: I don’t think “traditional agency” is a good excuse for them lor. Have they ever ask a reporter if their paper is as famous as Straits Times? This is pure lack of common sense. Nothing to do with traditional agency/social media agency.
Like this I blog in hokkien lagi cannot qualify.
Si beh rude leh this siao eh… siang lai eh?
Wow… What a fuck up agency. Who’s Pat Law anyway? Nv heard of the fellow.
Is this done by an agency? I can’t find their agency info on their website at all. Is this handled by their own Corp Comm department? Somehow I’m a bit doubtful.
I may be a li’l optimistic but I don’t think PR people will say things like that?
Sorry I cannot stop laughing! Then I calmed down (good 5mins later), think he is kidding?
A reporter may not ask if the paper is a famous as ST but the reporter will pick who to put in more wordcount for.
@dk: It does. I have seen way too much of such agencies.
hahahaha, cuz she is the LAW. -p
Wow – that chat is so wrong in so many ways. I can’t believe they’re trying to “hook” bloggers with goodie bags. Sigh.
I’m with DK, there’s a serious lack of common sense sometimes – not just with working with bloggers, but even with traditional media. You’ll be surprised.
i wonder if Pat is going afterall. π
oh wait. she is. sorry i just read the first few lines. haha… π
LOL, Pat, we all love her, but is she that famous?
I never realized how much of a popularity contest blogging was. I just thought it was really all about publishing something people wanted to read, and getting comments. Maybe I’ve just totally missed out on this until recently, or there’s nothing similar in the US? I don’t know.
Regardless, let’s all be not famous enough together?
Agree with photosophize that popularity alone doesn’t mean very much and RELEVANCE is more important.
On another note though, reading the tiny chat snippet makes me also wonder if the agency dude was simply being tongue-in-cheek and got misconstrued. Trying to be cheeky/funny but having it backfire.
At the end of the day it’s about how you communicate from one person to the next. Human Relationships 101. There’s no point asking “blogger friends” to come along if you’re going to run them through an x-ray machine. Shows you’re only interested in the number of eyeballs you can get and not how you can build relationships…with both the “famous” as well as the “less numerically famous but potentially very influential regardless”.
so superficial and tactless. i would suggest u keep away from such friends too.
btw i more mountain tortoise, dun even know who pat is! who cares!
hi from italy