Busy (pun intended) yet mundane June

You must be wondering what that post about Pinkys is all about. Asked a friend to help me get from Japan, so it’s more for her reference. =D

So what have I been up to? Since my entries lately have been irregular, and makes no sense.

Been pretty busy, yet had a mundane lifestyle.

Kiro was in town on 8 June, for a conference by National Book Development Council. Rare chance for her to be here without her kid, so after a trip to Grouser’s biscuit shop, we made a trip to…

Despite hearing its name for quite sometime, it was my first visit. Main aim of the trip was because of the flea market, held there every first weekend of the month (I think).

Quite a few booths in the first part of the flea market, mostly accessories hand-made by the people. Photos will be up when Kiro uploads them.

Deeper into the room, were materials, not accessories, also hand-made.

Handmade bags

The above picture, handmade bags. Yeap they do not look interesting, neither do they look arty-farty, but they’re made from recycled paper. I was like, wow.. And there’s a limited-time warranty if you buy these bags.

Hand-made lamps

More bags

With a closeup. They’re made of recycled materials – those packages that are used to contain fabric softener. Smelt nice!

I’d always love miniatures. These are made from clay.

Closeup on the doughnuts

My favourite of the day. http://fabric-fun.blogspot.com

More photos @ red dot design museum at flickr.

2nd June, was an ex-colleague’s wedding. Congratulations to Charlie & wifey Yvonne! Can’t remember if photos were taken (since I never bring my camera), but will post if I get any! “A decade of love” was the theme of their wedding. They met each other through mIRC, got hitched together on 2nd June 1998. Wishing them many more decades of love!

21st June was Jazzle’s wedding. CONGRATS GAL!! Early ceremony @ Swissotel. Everyone was commenting that we don’t reach office that early (the hotel’s just a few steps away from our office). And my boss commented we should all wear so sweet everyday. *faints* Think everyday someone will puke seeing my fats buldging all over. HAHAHAHA :$ Photos will be up when I get hold of the group photos!

Had a mini birthday celebration for Jkai yesterday! Happy belated birthday bro! Yes we FINALLY took a group photo after so many years! LOL. Photos will be up when I transfer them to the laptop. And oh.. I think I’m getting better at playing pool. Can do with more practise. haha..

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