







It’s the longgggggggg weekend!


It’s weird trying to feel high over a long weekend, especially when it’s coming to an end. =|

Oh well.. the ulcer came and go. Should be able to fully recover from it by tomorrow!

Busy weekend I’ve had.

A last minute arrangement on Sat afternoon, with LW & me getting too bored in the afternoon, we decided to jio the rest for ktv. Set for 8pm but all’s late. haha.. I always liked hanging out with this group of ex-colleagues, the feeling’s different as compared to hanging out with school-friends / classmates. Somehow or other, there’s bound to be common topics that all of us shared. =)

And I tried 心动心痛. According to LW it was a good first attempt. Woohoo! 配音 or backup vocal, is something that I’m trying to learn. With no music teacher. =X But still, good job to myself!

Skipped sunday’s aerobics coz Carolyn can’t make it.

So I ended up “earlier” at Fen’s place. After losing $7 on the mj table, I called it quits and went home. LOL. Got called home, leaving me with no choice. =| But I was back to Fen’s place after dinner, with the 2nd batch of mango mochi!

And! I’m ADDICTED TO Wii! OMG.. Fen! Pass to me when you’re done with it! XDDDDD

Monday was supposedly spent nuah-ing, but I made an attempt to shop at Phoon Huat (AGAIN). I’m starting to love that place. 😉

Hoping to do round 3 tonight.

出頭天 by 五月天

Long awaited 闽南语 song.

出頭天 /五月天

在我的天頂 甘有人會看見 看到我不甘願這樣過一生

在我的一生 我甘願來相信 每一朵花都有自己的春天

在我的天頂 大雨落不停 也不能改變到我的固執

永遠等待 那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣

那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快 來到我身邊

在我的天頂 甘有人在保佑 怎樣我常常摔的頭殼流血

血乾會結痂 失敗也不失志 成功是咱自己看自己得起

飄浪的日子 等待著時機 我不信命運會這麼無情

永遠等待 那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣

那一日 咱可以出頭天 我盼望的日子 會真快 來到我身邊