Having a break

I is having my long deserved break at last.

I’m feeling a lighter load on my shoulders right now. Seeing my “baby” 90% complete, and I’m ahead of schedule! – Ahead of schedule ‘coz the Project Manager didn’t update me on the latest timeline :S – So I’ve got another 2 days to do further testing and bug fixing =D

Finally met up with Leewei on Thurs night! Woohoo! Happy belated bday gal! A walk around Vivocity that night really made me feel like I’ve been living on the mountains. Serious.. it had been a long time since I went leisure walking, not to mention shopping! Finally cleared items off my wishlist!

It was 12midnight by the time I reached home.

Met up with the guys on Fri for lunch. Togi Korean Restaurant @ Mosque St. Yummy food. =D The mahjong session at Eric’s place was even better. Heh.. Very long since I last played with real mahjong, and the winnings was great even after splitting 50-50 with XW.

I must have been tired out. 10pm I was yawning like nobody’s business. Got knocked out by 11, waking up only at 10am this morning. For once I’m feeling so refreshed. Though not totally revitalised, the 11hr sleep helped.

Dinner with my SCE khakis today! Missed them so much! Korean food again *pengz* Why did they choose Korean BBQ when in the end we didn’t eat the food with the Korean spices? o.O It’s really great catching up with them!

Sunday now.. 12hrs later I’ll be on my way to my boss’s place. Calista Lui, that’s the baby daughter’s name, is having a baby shower session! Happy one month old Calista!

And she looks so sweet when she smiles! *melts*

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