
我想听你说。。 但我知道,我应该是听不到。

我想对你说。。 却又说不出口。

开着你的 msn 对话窗,好想与你聊天,却又不知该如何说起。时间一秒一秒的过,五分钟。。十分钟。。 一小时。。看着它发呆。。


Felt like I’ve old-ed

Got a msn msg from Eugene this morning, trying to arrange for a meet up over lunch today.

Looking back, first met this junior of mine in 2001, when he was one of my students from the CCNA class back at NHSS. So that makes me 6 yrs his senior. Wow.

The last I met him, and my other students from that batch of Cisco class, was during 2004 speech day. When they were fresh graduates of the school.

The image of him in my mind was of that 4 years ago.

Meeting him over lunch, we had a great talk. Minus-ing off him trying to sell his products of course. Great catching up with him and knowing how the rest are doing now.

I miss my juniors!