

暗恋一个人,说话时不时就引用一句他她曾说过的词句。 时间久一些了,连说话的语气、措词,甚至是思想方式都与她相仿。不经意中听到她对未来的伴侣的要求,便尽量往自己的特征、性格上套。一旦发现有什么不同的地方,就马上改变。与人聊天时,想将话题转到她身上,可又担心别人发现自己对她有意思,于是希望别人谈到她。所以,别人不说,自己绝对不说;别人说了,自己也得说,但又不能说太多。希望她成为话题人物,这样就能随时随地谈论她了;又不希望她太受人瞩目,怕有更多人喜欢她。



暗恋一个人时,希望她能知道自己的感情, 同时又怕她知道。想对她表白,幻想她答应,自己会多开心。终于鼓起勇气,买了一朵玫瑰,准备在时机成熟时表达心意。可又想到如果她拒绝了,便连朋友都做不成,就又胆怯了。玫瑰就一直放着,直到枯萎。


– Adapted from Friday Weekly

I’m amazed how a Sec 3 student can write such an essay! haha.. Exactly what I’m feeling right now. *bleah*

The stormy weather

*Updated @ my photo blog*

The strong wind was blowing.. till you can hear the wolf whistle at the window pane.

And then.. this is what was outside .

Ah.. As you can see, it’s so dark outside that the reflection of what’s going on in the office can be seen so clearly. ahahha..

And yes.. ignore the flying cow on the window pane please. =)

Spring Cleaning

Seems like the CNY mood this year feels a bit funny.

Personal perception lah.


And a female colleague thought I’m already married. *faints* I swear I didn’t give any false impression!

Ha.. Anyway, been busy doing spring cleaning. *still at my room* Yeah still cleaning my room after so many weeks. =

An ang-moh colleague asked what I had been doing during the 2 weeks break in Dec.
“Spring cleaning” – I said.
“Spring cleaning? Is it spring now?” – colleague
“Eh.. no.. but it’s a word we usually use to term the cleaning season” – *LOL*


Why is it termed spring cleaning? Haha…

Alrighty! Time to get out of the house after 2 days of SPRING (SUMMER) cleaning.

I love school cos..

Posted on January 8, 2008 – 11:03 pm
Last edited on January 10, 2008 – 1130pm

I love school cos.. I can skip lessons. (contributed by Ansley)

I love sch cos.. I can wake up as and when I like

I love sch cos.. I dun need to face unreasonable clients

I love sch cos.. there’s no pressure from anyone that I have to perform

I love sch cos.. I get to see my friends everyday

I love sch cos.. there’s lots of freedom

I love sch cos.. you get to attend lessons (contributed by Jiawen)

I love sch cos.. you get to have recesses (contributed by Jiawen)

I love sch cos.. canteen food is cheap! (contributed by Reenz)

I love sch cos.. i get to mug (contributed by Jiawen)

And the list goes on..

Updated: The Encore Concert

Posted on January 7, 2008 – 1:33 am

No one else in history did this. Encore concert within 6 months!

And so the heavenly king held his encore concert @ Indoor Stadium!

Good seats this time! 12th row from the front! woohoo! Pics will be up tomorrow when I’m in office. =D

More oldies this time! More familiar songs! More songs to sing along with ;p

  • 爱火花
  • 头发乱了
  • 忘记他
  • 屈倒病
  • 只想一生跟你走 (my all-time favourite)
  • 想和你再去吹吹风
  • 吻别
  • 情书
  • 你是爱我的
  • 如果爱
  • 爱是永恒
  • 祝福

Of course, there were many other songs. 1 hr of encore as usual. Shiokkkkkk

Edited on January 8, 2008 – 11:33 pm

Click on more for pictures.

Continue reading “Updated: The Encore Concert”

Updated: 《今天情人節》新加坡演唱會2007

Posted on December 30, 2007 – 1:45 am

Thanks Central Mall, thanks Twipster for passing me the tickets she won =D


List of songs she sang (not in sequence):

  • 崇拜
  • C’est la vie
  • 一秒的天堂
  • Sunrise 我喜欢
  • 我喜歡
  • 为我好
  • 分手快乐
  • 亲亲
  • 可惜不是你
  • 燕尾蝶
  • 爱你不是两三天
  • 勇气
  • 暖暖
  • 最想环游的世界
  • 小手拉大手
  • 夜夜夜夜
  • fly away
  • 一夜长大
  • 丝路
  • 瘦瘦的
  • 红豆
  • 知足
  • 拥抱(duet with 阿信)
  • 溫柔 (sung by 阿信)

Songs during Encore:

  • Moon River
  • 听不到
  • 伤痕
  • 第三者
  • 原来你也唱过我的歌
  • 三吋日光

Cat 1 seats, $158. Good view.

Nice concert. Totally immersed in her songs, her jokes, her Singlish, her Chinese with M’sian slang..

The peak of the concert.. 阿信!!! Woohoo! I’m most alert when he appeared on the stage. ahhaha =D

Edited on January 8, 2008 – 11:33 pm

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Continue reading “Updated: 《今天情人節》新加坡演唱會2007”

Dedication to MC King

If you’ve been watching the local comedies, MC King was a popular comedian whose jokes never fail to bring up the atmosphere like what comedies should be.

The first MediaCorp artiste in history, MC King left us suddenly. According to the news, he was gasping for breathe and was sent to the hospital where he was pronounced dead not long after.

We’re gonna miss him on the television screen. MC King, may you rest in peace.


And I overheard my mum talking to my aunt about how ah gong left us 2 yrs ago. My mum was by his bed when he left, saw how he gasped for breathe and how he stopped breathing suddenly.

These reminded me that life is so fragile. We should really treasure our lives. Treasure our loved ones. Afterall, we only live once.

If that’s my life, I’m screwed.

The long break allowed me to think through a lot of things.

First day back at work, more news that made me vomit blood yet again.

Sigh.. I really want to pack and go..

I love my job. Really. But I don’t like the person I’m working with. Have been too tolerant the past few months. Almost bursting out now.

Well.. I’m on the search. Found a few that interest me, but huge pay cut!

My life is screwed.