Posted on January 8, 2008 – 11:03 pm
Last edited on January 10, 2008 – 1130pm
I love school cos.. I can skip lessons. (contributed by Ansley)
I love sch cos.. I can wake up as and when I like
I love sch cos.. I dun need to face unreasonable clients
I love sch cos.. there’s no pressure from anyone that I have to perform
I love sch cos.. I get to see my friends everyday
I love sch cos.. there’s lots of freedom
I love sch cos.. you get to attend lessons (contributed by Jiawen)
I love sch cos.. you get to have recesses (contributed by Jiawen)
I love sch cos.. canteen food is cheap! (contributed by Reenz)
I love sch cos.. i get to mug (contributed by Jiawen)
And the list goes on..