Brand New Start.

Oh well.. I was actually reading through my year 2005 entries.. Entries posted long ago at, but using a different blog engine. And I just decided to delete all of them. All till Sep2006.

I had a good laugh at myself while reading. Seeing how foolish I’d been, believing people so easily, trusting him to stay faithful.. the many many encounters I’ve had during that year. Deleted the web access to those entries. The only way to dig them out now, is to extract from the database =) Not going to transfer them over to this engine.

Brand new start. I know I’ve a different mindset now. No longer harping over the past. Looking forward to the present. Not “looking forward to the future”, coz future depends on how we live our present.

And yes.. I love this phrase from one of my Apr2005 entries.
“I look at the cookie, the cookie stared at me with a sinister look. I got angry and I ate it” Apparently it was quoted by Ansley back then. It just.. sounds so cute that I laughed when I read it. 😀

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Part III)

“Why can’t speak English & be Vulgar at the same time?”
“Coz vat vould make us Americans”

“Would you marry me if we get out of here?”
“Of course I would, but we won’t”

(Female lead character’s name is Truly Scrumptious)
Truly: My sisters are called Madly & Deeply
Potts: Seriously..
Truly: And that’s my brother

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Part II)

As a continuation from part I

Rewatched! Woohoo! With sis, Jiawen & Lele this time! Better seats! Bought the toy model, it has wings too! OMG and I’m just so engrossed with the soundtrack I bought.

For your listening pleasure =)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
We love you.
And, in
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
What we’ll do.
Near, far, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we’ll spend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend.
Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
We love you.
And, in
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
What we’ll do.
Near, far, in our motor car
Oh what a happy time we’ll spend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend.
Your sleek as a thoroughbred.
Your seats are a feather bed.
You’ll turn everybody’s head today.
We’ll glide on our motor trip
With pride in our ownership
The envy of all we survey.
Oh Chitty You Chitty
Pretty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
We love you.
And Chitty, in Chitty
Pretty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang what we’ll do.
Near Chitty, far Chitty, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we’ll spend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend.
Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Our fine four fendered friend…..(hold)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Fine four fendered Chitty Chitty friend.

The Movie version of the songs:
Truly Scrumptious
Toot sweets sound like what they are, So do lollys in a lollypop jar
Gingerbread men have a gingerbread sound, we’ve found

Sugar plum cinnamon and lemon tart, tell you what they are right from the start
And your name does the same for you

By coincidence, Truly Scrumptious, You’re truly truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait

When your near us, It’s so delicious
Honest Truly, you’re the answer to our wishes

Truly Scrumptious, Though we may seem presumptuous
Never, never, ever go away

Our hearts beat so unruly, Because we love you truly
Honest Truly, we do

Truly scrumptious, You two are truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as the breeze across the bay

When you’re smiling, It’s so delicious
So beguiling, You’re the answer to my wishes

Truly scrumptious, You two are truly scrumptious
And I shan’t forget this lovely day

My heart beats so unruly, I also love you truly
Honest truly, I do

Doll On A Music Box
What do you see, You people gazing at me
You see a doll on a music box, That’s wound by a key

How can you tell, I’m under a spell
I’m waiting for love’s first kiss

You cannot see, How much I long to be free
Turning around on this music box, That’s wound by a key

Yearning, Yearning

While, I’m turning around and around

What do you see (Truly Scrumptious)
You people gazing at me (you’re truly truly scrumptious)

You see a doll on a music box (Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait) that’s wound by a key

How can you tell (when you’re near me)
I’m Under a spell I’m (it’s so delicious)

I’m Waiting for love’s first kiss (honest truly, your the answer to my wishes)

You cannot see (Truly Scrumptious)
How much I long to be free (though I may seem presumptuous)

Turning around on this music box that’s wound by a key (never never ever go away)

Yearning (my heart beats so unruly)
Yearning (because I love you truly)

While (honest)
I’m turning around and around (Truly I do)

You Two
Do you think I’m a lunatic? Wasting my time on a lot of silly inventions?

But they aren’t silly–they’re wonderful!

Nobody else could think of them!

That’s right! That is right–nobody else could think of
them!–yeah–after all…
What makes the battle worth the fighting?
What makes the mountain worth the climb?
What makes the questions worth the asking?
The reason worth the rhyme?

To me the answer’s clear;
it’s having someone near; someone dear
Someone to care for; to be there for.
I have You Two!
Someone to do for; muddle through for.
I have You Two!
Someone to share joy or despair with;
whichever betides you.
Life becomes a chore, unless you’re living for
someone to tend to be a friend to.
I have You Two!
Someone to strive for, do or die for
I have You Two!
Could be, we three get along so famously,
’cause you two have me, and I have You Two too.

(Breakfast is behind made, then Caractacus sneezes)

Someone to care for; to be there for.

I have You Two!

Someone to do for; muddle through for

I have You Two!
Someone to smile once in awhile with;
whenever you’re lonesome
I’ve a happy lot,
considering what I’ve got.
But, I couldn’t do more
Than you do for your poor Father.

(Kids: Daddy!)

Things go asunder
and I wonder why you bother.
Could be, we three get along so famously

we two have you,

and I have You Two


我不配 by 周杰倫

I thought this MV depicts what I blogged about last week. A nice MV though. Enjoy!

作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦

这街上太拥挤 太多人有秘密 玻璃上有雾气 在被隐藏起过去
你脸上的情绪 在还原那场雨 这巷弄太过弯曲走不回故事里

这日子不再绿 又斑驳了几句 剩下搬空回忆的我在大房子里
电影院的座椅 隔遥远的距离 感情没有对手戏你跟自己下棋

描述我如何爱你 你却微笑的离我而去

#这感觉 已经不对 我努力在挽回
一些些 应该体贴的感觉 我没给
你嘟嘴 许的愿望很卑微 在妥协
是我忽略 你不过要人陪

*这感觉 已经不对 我最后才了解
一页页 不忍翻阅的情节 你好累
你默背 为我掉过几次泪 多憔悴
而我心碎你受罪 你的美 我不配

Life is all about..

Alrighty! I’ve updated part of my list of long-due songs. Songs that I came across over the past few months, but too busy to find the lyrics. Wanted to use them as a reminder to myself, but I think it’s hard.

Oh well =)

I’ve not had the time to upload photos of my company’s retreat. Have not had the time to download the photos taken with my phone (though I’ve uploaded to my photo blog).


On many issues. Not just one.

Been thinking a lot. Sometimes I really wish I’m back to many years ago, when I had the confidence to do what I want, work towards my goal, fight for what I think is right.

Keep thinking that life is so fragile. Which is a fact anyway. Had been pessimistic. Trying hard to remain optimistic, but somehow the fragility of life brought me down. =(

Keeping myself busy at work to prevent myself from thinking so much.

Not enough sleep for the past weeks, too deadly. That I slept for 14hrs this morning. The day didn’t turn out well anyway. Shan’t talk about it.

Countdown: 6 days!

牛仔很忙 by 周杰伦

牛仔很忙 – 周杰伦

呜啦啦啦火车笛 随着奔腾的马蹄
小妹妹吹着口琴 夕阳下美了剪影
我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景
接下来换 介绍我自己

我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶
为什么不喝啤酒 因为啤酒伤身体
很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器
赤手空拳 就缩成蚂蚁

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗 观众都累了 英雄也累了

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长 你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因为马跨不上去
洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因为可以玩玩具
我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮
喔跌倒时 尽量不压草皮

枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝
除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋
老板先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你
顺便喂喂 我那只小毛驴

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗 观众都累了 英雄也累了

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长 你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

当我们同在一起 by 王羚柔

当我们同在一起 – 王羚柔

如果云是天空的呼吸 风是我慌张的叹息
回忆是爱的延续 只因为你和我已经不在一起


空气里有午后的暖意 我听着沙沙收音机
突然间下起了雨 雨让我好想好想你想抱着你


你是我曾经的甜蜜 我是你爱情的过去
那一段美好的记忆 我们都不能够忘记

因为我很爱很爱你 所以能微笑着离去
虽然我不会在见你 幸福是我们曾经在一起

空气里有午后的暖意 我听着沙沙收音机
唱什么听不清晰 因为我傻傻的笑着 想起了你

当我们同在一起 在一起 在一起
在一起 在一起 其快乐无比

喜欢你 by 庭竹

喜欢你 – 庭竹

雨伞下的距离 车窗内的空气
没有防备的自己 好意外不由自主的动心

喜欢你微笑神情 专注的眼睛 拨动我的心情
喜欢你认真表情 对我好热情 心慢慢的贴近
喜欢你温热手心 传达的讯息 温柔包围我的心
爱情来到的那一天 我真的愿意相信

电话里的声音 遥远却更亲密
不知何时开始 已习惯身边有你的呼吸

喜欢你微笑神情 专注的眼睛 拨动我的心情
喜欢你认真表情 对我好热情 心慢慢的贴近
喜欢你温热手心 传达的讯息 温柔包围我的心
到那么一天 你是否愿意

喜欢你所有决定 温柔的声音 拨动我的心情
喜欢你撒娇语气 傻瓜的行径 心慢慢的贴近
喜欢你宽厚背影 安定的气息 温柔包围我的心
我相信一定有一天 我们就可以 在一起

喜欢你认真表情 对我好热情 心慢慢的贴近
喜欢你撒娇语气 傻瓜的行径 心慢慢的贴近 在一起

想太多 by 李玖哲

想太多 – 李玖哲

你笑着说 他是朋友 但你眼中太温柔
我的不安 那么沉重 只有你不懂

他霸占了你的心中 属于我的角落
所以你说 我们不是你和我

是我想太多 你总这样说 但你却没有 真的心疼我
是我想太多 我也这样说 这是唯一能安慰我 的理由

他霸占了你的心中 属于我的角落
所以你说我们 不是你和我

是我想太多 你总这样说 但你却没有 真的心疼我
是我想太多 我也这样说 这是唯一能安慰我 的理由

我想我没有 错怪了什么 虽然你不说
或许错在我 太晚我才懂 爱了你太多

是我想太多 你总这样说 你却没有 真的心疼我
是我想太多 我也这样说 这是唯一能 安慰我的理由