SingTel F1 Exclusive Blogger Race

I’m honoured to be one of the few who were invited to this closed door event! =D Thanks to Nanyate for the invitation!

Was supposed to meet Qiquan, Victor, Huishan & Vincent @ Raffles Place MRT at 6.45pm (at which I knew only at 6.25pm, thanks to QQ LOL). Sped to Cityhall MRT within 15mins, caught the incoming train (that says 1min arrival time when I reached the station). 5mins later I’m at RP MRT. Not knowing which direction the exit-escalator is, I clumsily walked onto a sitting bench – and my knees pained like hell for that few minutes. (must have hanged out with HS too often and I got claudsified -_-)

A long walk to the Singtel Training Centre @ Pickering Operations Complex. Sweating profusely by the time we reached. LOL

And saw a few familiar faces – DK, Nadia, Mus, Yin, Claudia, Daniel.

Taking our time to cool down, we had a quick (provided) dinner.

And it’s time to race on the F1 simulators! woohoo~ (I didn’t take much photos though)

Vincent started first!

Vincent listening to instructions
Vincent listening to instructions

But the moment he started racing… see the look on his face LOL

See the stressed look on Vincents face
See the stressed look on Vincent's face

Lap time: 5:25

Next is QQ after a little bit of persuasion!

Qiquan listening intentively
Qiquan listening intentively

Lap time: 5.3x ?

And it’s MY TURN!! Felt so excited sitting in the simulator! And it’s FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE!! How on earth can the racers tahan such sitting position?!?!??! No photo on my camera, but here’s a failed attempt by HS (using my camera)

Lap time: 4:06! I’m proud of myself! I do not possess a driving license FYI. 😀

(While I was racing, Victor was at the other simulator. HS was in possession of my camera, thus no video)

Victors stressed look
Victor's stressed look

Why do everyone look so stress?! hahaha

HS’s up next!

EHHHH SHE BROKE MY RECORD BY 2SECS! #^$)@*#)*$%)W%*$)&%^#

Lap time: 4:04

HS you are PLAIN LUCKY! hahahaha!

More photos / videos will be up when I get hold of them!

Seriously, I’m amazed with the simulator! To think that I once aspired to be a game developer hahaahahha! I want to race again!! Can the simulator be publicly available PLEASE?