Plantar fasciitis

My last entry on Plantar fasciitis was 5 months ago. It didn’t go off, but came back as and when it liked. The short research I did merely helped me understand more about it, until I was telling NLS about it yesterday. He sent me this link, which took me quite sometime to digest the information.

Quite an informative site I’d say. I’m now more determined to keep to the schedule of stretching the legs. Yes.. the pain became more obvious recently, until I had to stop wearing my Neckerman sandals (which I usually wear to work) and wore the crocs instead. Heck the weird colour combination, I needed my foot to be cushioned to feel comfortable.

The doc visit back then helped only informatively. I didn’t take the prescribed painkiller. Didn’t keep to the schedule of stretching the legs 3 times a day. Regretted. I can’t go for foot reflexology now, coz it really pained when the heel is pressed 🙁 And I still have 6 more sessions to go (I signed a package)!

7 Mar – Ah Ma’s Bday Celebration

I kept thinking to myself why I wasn’t early for the celebration, then I suddenly remembered I was involved with SDSC’s Flag Day *facepalm*

And so the story goes..

I wasn’t at Uncle KS’s place in the morning, but Auntie Siew Siew passed me the photos she took.

Ah Ma with Lele
Ah Ma enjoying her longevity noodles

The celebration began with Lele presented Ah Ma with the bouquet of roses on behalf of all the uncles & aunts.

Lele presenting the bouquet of roses to Ah Ma
Lele presenting the bouquet of roses to Ah Ma
Ah Ma with the roses
Ah Ma with the roses

The long awaited song!

Photo taking session started with the 3rd generation first!

The cousins (with 8 missing ones)
The cousins (with 8 missing ones)

See the little girl in yellow? She’s born on the same birthdate as me! 😀

The 4th generation - my nephews & nieces (with 1 missing in action)
The 4th generation - my nephews & nieces (with 1 missing in action)

There were many other family shots taken, but I think I’ll bore you with them, so I’m keeping the story short. I thought the following collage was nice. Random shots I took of Jiawen (girl in white) & Wanxin (girl in green). Do the photos tell you a story? 😀

Random shots taken with my iPhone
Random shots taken with my iPhone

Repeated many times, I still love such family gatherings! Can’t wait for the next one to come. Mothers’ Day celebration!