Yes this is an overdue post.. Sorry HPB folks! But better late than never, when it comes to spreading messages, right? 😀
I’m sure you can find the synopsis online (or you can check out Chester’s entry here), but nothing beats watching it with your own eyes.
It’s an interesting touch to have HK actor Kenny Ho starring as the male lead, and Zoe Tay as the female lead. Something refreshing, as compared to other local movies. The movie’s in a mix of Chinese and Cantonese, but there’s English subtitles if you don’t understand Chinese / Cantonese.
Knowing how easily I cry when watching shows, you won’t be shocked at how much I cried while watching this movie at the charity premiere on 3rd Sep (there were actually tissue packets provided that day!). No special gimmicks in the show, all the attention is on the plot and the actors.
No doubt the plot is simple, but it brings across an important message – Early detection saves lives. Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among women in Singapore – but that doesn’t mean the guys don’t get it. When it is detected early, there is a good chance that it can be successfully treated. So if you have loved ones between the age of 40-49, they should go for mammogram screening annually, and once every two years if they are above the age of 50.
Having lost both of my grandpas to cancer years ago, I’ve grown to understand the fact that we should not take cancer lightly, especially when my paternal grandma was recently (2 months ago, in fact) diagnosed with cancer (which the doctor said it’s rare for it to be detected only at her age of 80). If regular checkups (mammogram screenings in the context of this blog post) had been done, things might have been different.
If you need more information on health screening, you can check out If it doesn’t answer your queries, check with your GP.
Oh yes.. the movie is still screening in cinemas. Not sure when it will stop though. Don’t put too much high hopes on it, like I said, the plot is simple, no gimmicks. But do prepare a packet of tissue 🙂