First heard of the Singapore Slingers when Daphne Maia plurked/blogged about it last year. Missed last yr’s season for some reason, didn’t want to miss it again this year.
I’m not going to do any quotes, but if you’re curious enough to know more about the Singapore Slingers, check out their site.
Was half-hr late coz I was caught up with work. The moment I was at the North entrance, waiting for Daphne to pass me my ticket, I kept hearing “Wei Jian” from the commentator. Didn’t know who he was, since the only player I knew was Darren Ng. LOL. I know nuts about the players at all!
And so, the first match was..
(Images taken from Daphne’s post)
Initially I felt lost at the match, partly coz I was late, partly coz I know nuts about the players. Took me a while to realise which team is which, and who the slingers are playing against.
Once I got my facts right (which team – by the colour of their jerseys – to cheer for), I’m hyped up. That’s already at the 2nd half of the game *facepalm*
It’s my first time watching a live basketball match! Kinda cool, especially when I realise one of the referees is a female. Rare case!
So here you are, the orange jerseys being the Slingers, the white being the CoCo team =)
And the female referee being TYN! woohoo~ yes she’s a fren of mine! hahaha!
Though I’m not a basketball fan, it’s a great experience being able to support our own team in matches like this. No matter how big or small. Big thanks to Geekonomics for the tickets and Daphne for coordinating!
Now I’m looking forward to the match on Wednesday!