Yes I’m still feeling pretty high!

Was actually there pretty early.. 3.45pm! ‘Coz the merchandise sale starts at 4! And there was already quite a long queue when I reached! -.-! Kiasu fans! LoL *oops*

Wanted to get the STAY REAL tee! But freaking expensive! 50bucks! OMG.. Ended up buying 1 white concert tee! Nice!! Though the design didn’t look nice on screen, it look great on the teeshirt!

Dog show over at Kallang Leisure Park! Went to find Kejun & Lucky!! And Lucky is so obdient ! As in, during the competition lah!! Oh man.. He/She (?) is huge in size! Being a husky, it’s still so much bigger than grouser’s Sapphy (German Sherphed). And there’s some car racing next door at carpark F!

Back to office since there’s almost 4 hrs more to go! Only when I logged on MSN when I saw Phee’s nick – @ Kallang Carpark F. LOL! Ended up he was there in the demo car racing!!! OMG!!! Silver line!! And according to him it’s COOL! OMG OMG OMG!! I’ll never get a chance to sit in it can?!?!??! >.<

Back to Kallang at 7pm! Went to queue at the merchandise sale again! hahaha! Huijun decided to buy more.. And I got tempted to buy the black concert tee as well.. so.. TADA!! I got BOTH the designs! WHEE!!!

Walked over to Leisure park again. Saw DATOU!!! Serene (Ng)’s dog! It’s a Shitzu (duno how to spell LOL)! 久仰大名!Finally see it after hearing its name for so many years! And Lucky ran in the companion dog competition! It’s so cool seeing so many doggies!! And some of them are so cute!!

Ok back to concert!

It all started with 抓狂. After which I forgot the sequence. LoLs. Pardon my lousy memory!

Oh wrong! it all started with some video at outer space. Since the concert title is 回到地球表面, from last year’s 离开地球表面.  Then!! Some people jumped down from the ceiling!! And they attacked us with their (fake) guns! OUCH! They invaded earth!! When almost everyone got killed by these mysterious killers, the 5 members of the bandgroup descended from above the stage!

And there we go!

And! 360 degree stage! I was just 4 rows away from the runway!!!! A14, that’s the block that i was at!

At the start of the first song, EVERYONE STOOD UP! Oh my!! The crowd last year wasn’t THAT HIGH at the start.

Everyone was high THROUGHOUT.

The atmosphere went another level up when something from the ceiling was lowered. OMG it’s the mini stage!!

And everyone started rushing to where the runway was. -,-”

The first to run across the runway (at the other runway) was Ah Xin! Then Stone (I think he started the trend of hitting everyone’s hand when he run across LOL)! Masa (the runway at where I was)! Monster! Guan You!! WOOHOO!! As they were introduced individually when they reached the stage, Guan You’s intro was the longest, since he’s always HIDING behind his drums. hahaha! This is one rare chance to catch a good look at him!

The target today seems to be Masa, since IT’S HIS BIRTHDAY!! Woohoo!! HAPPY 31ST BIRTHDAY!!!

And EVERYONE sang the Birthday Song! So touching!

The screams came even louder when the 5 of them started running back to the main stage. Everyone trying to touch them as they run past. *sweat*

Ok I think this is bad.. I can’t remember the sequence of the songs sang!

But! I remember Ah Xin singing some of his composed ones! Like 叮当’s 离家出走, 杨宗维’s 洋葱. Oh man.. though pretty high pitched, Ah Xin still sang it very well!

Oh!! Stone also dedicated a self-composed song 咿呀呀 to 小石头!

The concert so-called-ended at 2300hrs. But expectedly, there’s encore lah.. ahahaha

And!!! They appeared from another entrance to the mini stage directly! When we were all looking at the main stage. LoL

They were ALL wearing the concert tee! With Guan You being the only one in the black tee. =D

Awwwwww As they leave the mini stage back to the main one, all of them look so cool! As they sing / strummed the guitars as they proceed back via the runways. COOL!!!!!! When I’m just < 3m away! XD XD XD XD

They already look cool on stage, not to mention they’re just a few metres away, while performing!!!

The full concert ended at 2330hrs.

Immediate after-effect of the concert: ACHING ARMS! hahahas.

And the Stadium Direct buses! Cheated us! ‘Coz we couldn’t get on board the buses that came, we decided to wait for the next one, but none came after 15mins?!

Anyway.. here’s the song list! Obviously it’s not in the correct sequence lah.. And there’s a chance it’s not a complete list..

九号球 (one which, according to Youli, is from the 时光机 album)

Gosh I’m so tired. I need MORE koyok.

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