A proper post

A proper post. At last. =)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Been hoping for some kind of a surprise, but it didn’t come. *ouch*

These days I’ve been so sick, mentally. Going to get physically sick soon. Have got many things that I want to write about, but just got no energy at night to sit down properly and give those stuff a proper think-through.

In summary, life has not been too bad. Trying to get myself engaged with outside activities, after working hours that is. Like participating in chingay, finding courses to enrich myself.

MapleStory is becoming a bored game, especially when no one’s online most of the time. Lack of motivation to train my character. Stuck at level 77 for so long.

Sigh.. Life is becoming so mundane now that I’ve officially entered the workforce. Standard routine everyday: work > home > tv > 1hr (or maybe even less) of comp > sleep.


As age catches up, I’m starting to feel the stress. Acting nonchalant, in actual fact I’m not. It didn’t feel any better when I’m seeing more of my friends starting the new phase of their lives. You know what I mean.

But still, life’s been good in general. Still glad I’m given a chance to experience life. =)

三吋日光 by Fish Leong


深秋山頂風微涼 戀人並肩傻傻看夕陽
仰望 你為我敞開的天窗 一段日光落在手心 

*你說 秋天早上的日光
 一寸 能許一個願望

#希望我愛的人健康 個性很善良
 大大手掌能包容我 小小的倔強
 你的浪漫 只有我懂欣賞 

△還想每天用咖啡香 不讓你賴床
 週末傍晚 踩著單車 逛黃昏市場
 我的浪漫 只有你懂欣賞 

第三個願望 還不想講
你自己想一想 問微笑的月光

Repeat *,#,△

一人一支閃閃仙女棒 好像我們之間有星光
很燙 可是很燦爛很漂亮 一點點光 捧在手上像太陽
等到 世界末日你再講 那個願望 一起握緊不放