The last “first day of school”

Feels weird to realise that this is my last First-Day-Of-School! Unless I decide to step onto the school compound again.

Been a great day! Except that I had a 3-hour long lecture early in the morning. Within 45mins, I was already losing concentration. 15-30mins before the break, I was already happily playing games on Yix’s new handphone. Luckily I stopped early enough to hear the important words “these pages shall be skipped”. Haah! Bad choice to have a 3-hr long lecture. I wonder who’s the smart alec to plan such a schedule. Who on earth is able to concentrate for the full 3 hours? It’s not like it’s 3 1-hour lecture. It’s 3 continuous lecture of the same module! And I pity the lecturer, who was coughing non-stop during the 3hr lecture. >.< oh did I mention that this lecture is made up of not just CE (my course) & CS (Computing Sci) students, there are MASTERs students too! Why are MASTERs students taking the same module as us? Isn't it too easy for them since undergraduates are studying it? Or should I say, why are we undergraduates studying the same module as MASTERs students?!?! Isn't that too difficult for us?? The first day of school.. counting down to the last day of school?

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