arr yes.. Weiying got me addicted to the show!
Shin-goon was being portrayed as a bad guy in the first 2 episodes of the show, but as the story progress on, he proves to be a good husband to Caijing. All his little actions are just so sweet! Though he just doesn’t want to admit that he’s starting to like her..
As for Yul, I was initially attracted to his attentiveness, at one point when Shin-goon just got married with Caijing, he told Shin-goon that girls would usually calm down after receiving sweets / chocolates. Which was what Shin-goon did anyway, and he lied to Caijing that Yul got them for her. -_-”
After Shin-goon came back from his Thailand-visiting trip: Caijing was standing back facing him.
Shin-goon: Are you waiting here for me? Come let me see your face..
Caijing: Don’t come near me! One more step and I’ll chop you to pieces!
Shin-goon: That’s a pity.. Can’t even let your few-days-never-see husband go near you
Caijing: I hate the sight of you.. Self-centered, arrogant.. doesn’t care for other people’s feelings.. (cries)
Shin-goon: I think, I’ve to bring you along next time
And they officially hug each other for the first time! sweet!!
Caijing: I think you’ll make the best emperor. Don’t give it up! If one day we get separated, at least, I’ll still be able to see you on television.
Shin-goon: By that time, two years down the road, everyone’s attention will be on Yul and not me. There’ll be no one around me any more. I need you by my side!
Translated by yours truly. This part is just so nice!! ^^