I think I saw you dropping pieces of paper on the floor waiting for me to pick up. Were they meant for me? What if I picked them up only to realise I’ve picked the wrong ones?
Thanx Richard for the advice. I’m starting to wonder are we the only ones with these problems? Or xiaoling & yiling also? Is it bcoz the 2 of us are the “eldest” for the grandchildren generation? Well.. at least I know that you’ll always be there for me. Thanks!! Love u so much!! *oops* better dun let miss ten see.. hahaha 😛 Ya send me the photos I took with her!! Help you show off ur gf lol 😉
Exciting day today, being the first school-day after CNY. Missed the 0830hr lecture again.. haha.. I think I won’t be seen in the LT for Friday 0830hr lecture anymore. Been missing it for dunno how many weeks le. The next 3 lectures were alright, managed to understand what’s going on (FINALLY) haha..
Sat in for 2 other lectures as well. Sort of a revision for me, ‘coz I’ve learnt both @ poly before. Doesn’t seem too difficult.. haha.. ^^