韦礼安 – 慢慢等

Seemingly telling me what I’m truly thinking?

韦礼安 – 慢慢等

因为你 我不再怕黑暗


却步 让你失去了方向


我会慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等上线 的铃声
慢慢等 等到我都睡着了
耐心等只为了心动 那一刻
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等红灯 变绿灯
慢慢等 当你突然觉得冷
我会握着温暖在 在这里等着

害怕重演 在你身上

却步 让你失去了方向


我会慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等上线 的铃声
慢慢等 等到我都睡着了
耐心等只为了心动 那一刻
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等红灯 变绿灯
慢慢等 当你突然觉得冷
我会握着温暖在 在这里

慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等上线 的铃声
慢慢等 等到我都睡着了
耐心等只为了心动 那一刻
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等
慢慢等 慢慢等 慢慢等 等红灯 变绿灯
慢慢等 当你突然觉得冷
我会握着温暖在 在这里等着

C.N Blue – Love

No idea why the korean wave these days, but since I’ve always felt at home with the Korean language (other than Japanese & Cantonese), and the recent Super Junior craze, I’m very into Korean shows/songs now 😀

Justin was introducing me to this song by C.N Blue (a Korean group) a week ago, when we went for the food trail. I thought it was pretty ok, until I saw the video. I love rock songs with live band! <3<3

Thought the lead singer (the guy in the middle) look very familiar, did a search on the group members and I got it right. He’s one of the main actors from the korean drama I watched recently – He’s Beautiful.

The song’s not bad, gonna search for their other songs now 😀

Super Junior – No Other

They look so happy dancing this!

Their first performance for the new song in the repackaged Bonamana album.

Performance on 3 July

Performance on 4 July

Music Video

Performance on 9 July [Short version]

Performance on 10 July [Short version]

Performance on 11 July [Short version]

Performance on 16 July [Short version]

Performance on 18 July [Short version, refreshing performance]

Performance on 23 July [short version]

Performance on 24 July [YHY Sketchbook]

Performance on 24 July [Music Core]

Performance on 25 July [No Other + Bonamana] [The last performance they have, before concentrating on the concert preparations]

Super Junior (part 2)

You must be wondering why I didn’t write about which songs Super Junior sang during the showcase.

Well.. that’s because I didn’t know what were the songs (probably except for the latest hit song – Bonamana) then!

Read a few posts on the showcase, now I finally know what was sung that day! :p

As in my previous post, the first time I saw their performance, was when I read DK’s entry on Super Junior crash course. In awed with their performance for the 2 videos I watched.. I kinda expected their performance that night to be of the same standard.

Here’s the first song that they sang – Bonamana. Hit song from the latest (4th) album.


In the 4th album, only 10 members are active. And since this is the latest album, you should be able to recognise 9 of them from the photos I posted previously. Same hairstyle. Probably the only 1 member who doesn’t look familiar – that’s KyuHyun 😀

Neat performance. 10 of them, you don’t find it messy at all. Actions are well timed! Compare that with the original MV:

Equally neat, if not better, since it’s a MV!

2nd song, was a solo by Yesung – It has to be you. The theme song for the show Cinderella’s Sister.

Next was Rokkugo, by one of the sub-groups SuJu-T. This is SuJu-T’s Japanese debut.

Following is another sub-group SuJu-H’s Pajama Party.

 Finally! How can they miss out their hit song – Sorry Sorry? That’s the first song that I heard from them!

Only 11 members appeared during this.  Here’s a video with the 12 members. (Missing Kibum who left to pursue his acting career).

Very neat performance I say. 🙂

Now compare their performance with the original MV.

Are you convinced yet? That they can dance VERY well? :p


There are 4 sub-groups: SuJu-T(rot), SuJu-M(andarin), SuJu-Happy, SuJu-K.R.Y.

SuJu-T members: Heechul, Leetuk, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Kangin, Shindong

SuJu-M members: Hankyung, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Donghae, 2 others not from SuJu.

SuJu-H members: Leetuk, Sungmin, Shindong, Yesung, Kangin, EunHyuk

SuJu-K.R.Y members: (like the group name says) Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Yesung

Alright! Some unfamiliar names? Hankyung, Kangin & Kibum are currently inactive in the group.


This post was started at 6+, took a 1hr dinner break, and it’s 11.15 now. It was a challenge writing this, I ended up watching their performances on youtube!

I can never get tired of their songs and dances (yet)!


One of the songs in the show 下一站,幸福. Fits the story so nicely, that I feel emo whenever I play this song.

Jkai has more to say about the show, and the songs.

Another song from the show.

叮当 – 我爱他


Thanks to JK, I’m hooked to the song AGAIN! Can’t wait for Aug 29! Mayday concert! woohoo~

And will Cheer be coming to sing this song? I love her singing!!


作词:阿信 作曲:阿信

其实妳 是个心狠又手辣 的小偷
我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走

你才是 绑架我的兇手 机车后座的我
吹着风 逃离了平庸

这星球 天天有五十亿人 在错过
多幸运 有妳一起看星星 在争寵
这一刻 不再问为什么
不再去猜测人和人 心和心 有什么不同

123 牵着手 456 抬起头
789 我们私奔到月球
那无忧的真空 那月色纯真的感动

当妳说 太聪明往往还是 会寂寞
我笑着 倾听孤单终结后 的静默
看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔
静静凝视你我 和我们扰攘的星球

靠近妳 怎么突然两个人 都词穷
让心跳 像是野火燎原般 的洶湧
这一刻 让命运也沉默
让腳尖划过天和天 地和地 缘分的宇宙

123 牵着手 456 抬起头
789 我们私奔到月球
那无忧的真空 那月色纯真的感动

123 牵着手 456 抬起头
789 我们私奔到月球
那无忧的真空 那月色纯真的感动

123 牵着手 456 抬起头
789 我们私奔到月球
那无忧的真空 那月色纯真的感动

半生熟 by 品冠 & 戴佩妮

品冠 & 戴佩妮 – 半生熟




