Bliss is sitting in front of the teevee doing my own things, while the guys are in the kitchen preparing dinner. :p
For the first time in history, I actually left office at 6 today. Decided to just take whatever break and continue work when I feel like it. Just like last night, when I locked myself in the room for some me-time, only to end up doing work. At the very least, I felt no stress. Work done with no stress is usually the best product that can be produced, isn’t it? 🙂
Had been very emo last week, possibly due to not enough sleep plus the many overdue work. This outstation has actually allowed me to understand myself better. Saw my weak points, how I react under different situations.. While most of it are negative reactions, I’m pretty sure there are positive traits that I’m (still) unaware of.. fingers crossed..
Emo-ed to the extent I almost teared in front of BFF, during dinner. Lack of sleep, tiredness, cold weather, stress, homesick.. you name it, I (almost) have them all..
Looking forward to the end of the project. Oh wait, no.. looking forward to the end of my stint here in HK. Work is crazy, and we’re without the comfort of our loved ones and friends back home. No one, yes I repeat, NO ONE, can feel our stress. When one say he/she can understand, I really doubt so. Unless you are here long term like us, you wouldn’t know.
Being hiatus from blogging is becoming a norm. Can hardly find time to look at the screen and blog. I really do miss blogging and the photography outings.
Can’t wait to be back home for good.
Simply thankful I have BFF who is able to understand, for we’re on the same boat. Having a 战友 whom you can share your happiness and sadness with and able to fight this battle together, is a real bliss.