Marié Digby’s Singapore concert 2009

Have long heard of her, thanks to JKai’s introduction to her youtube video (Stupid For You). Fell in love with that song immediately. Probably ‘coz the song was exactly how I felt at that point of time.

Have not actually followed much on her on youtube. She’s a youtube singer by the way. But I still love that song. Cannot remember how I managed to get hold of her Unfold album though.

When Jerrick posted on plurk that Marié Digby’s coming SG for concert again, I waited no more! Got myself a ticket immediately. Early bird ticket cost about $61.85 GST & booking fee inclusive. Free standing ticket. Doesn’t matter if I might end up going alone. Not going to miss it anymore!

Thankfully, Jerrick’s another fan of hers. hahaha! So I’ve got company!

Ticket stub says 7pm. Was panicking at 5+, I’ve yet found out where on earth The Arena is! Suddenly remembered NLS might be familiar with Clarke Quay area. And thanks to as well. The screenshots are helpful!

When I reached at 6.30pm, I was already the 50-60th person. Wait no more. Singaporeans queue! What else do we know? haha

Finally got admitted into The Arena at 7. Bought myself Marié’s both albums, got the poster for free!

Interestingly, Singaporeans only know how to queue. We were queueing inside The Arena, waiting to be admitted into the concert area. Until the bouncer (or someone else) said “People! You do not need to queue here! Mingle around!” Hahahaha.. And so, Jerrick & I moved to the front, probably the 10-20th.

Inside the concert area, ‘coz early bird ticket holders get the priviledge to enter first, we get to choose where we want to stand.  VERY close to stage we were. 😀

While waiting, English songs were being played. Being a suaku that I am, I couldn’t recognise those songs. I listen to Chinese songs ya? Until I heard Brian McKnight’s Back To One. Never have I felt so familiar with English songs. Just like what I’d posted on plurk, it’s worth celebrating when I can sing along! Muahahhahahaha!

Concert finally started at 8pm. 1.5hrs of standing was starting to kill my legs. By the time the concert ended at 9, my poor legs couldn’t take it any more.

But it was all worth it. Marié sang songs from the first album as well as the newly released second album. Was in joy when she performed the backyard song – Stupid For You. Hahhaha!

Photos will be up when I get them from Jerrick!

Meanwhile.. blur photos from my iPhone.. hahaha

A trip to Yishun

I decided I am NOT going to explore Yishun ALONE anytime in the near future.

‘Coz.. I nearly got lost during my trip yesterday LOL

Was supposed to reach Rebecca’s place at 3. But.. knowing me, after dilly-dallying, I expected myself to reach by 3.30. But hor.. I boarded the wrong 812 from Yishun interchange! *facepalm* The beauty of having an iPhone, is I can check where the block is on the map. When I saw that the bus turned the other direction, the bus stop that I supposedly was to alight at, turned out to be a school, I knew I was on the wrong bus lah..

So hor.. I walked all the way from Yishun Collabrium, along Yishun Road, down 4 bus stops. Never had I felt so stupid and lost leh.. Thankfully I still have a good sense of direction, can walk all the way without getting lost =)

And I got to see the beautiful sky when reaching Bec’s place!

By the time I reached Bec’s place, it was 3.45. Baby Kyle was asleep, at the instruction of Bec, targeted at the sister Kate, Min Min (the big cousin) took my hand and brought me to see the sleeping Kyle instead. HAhahaha.. 4 yr old Min Min doesn’t look her age leh.. She looks like she’s at least 5-6 yrs old. Let me see if I can find a photo of her on Elmo’s blog.

Here it is! The little girl on the right. The younger girl on the left is Win Win, Min Min’s sister, 2-3 months younger than Kate.

I was told (when I was leaving) that Min Min doesn’t really talk to strangers. I remembered that she totally ignored me when I visited baby Kate 2 yrs back. I guess I must have had more fats that made me look chubbier and kiddier? hahaha

So well, back to topic. Baby Kyle was asleep, so I had Kate to entertain me!

Then the mum asked her to do funny face.

Oh she was entertaining me with the bread toaster on her lap 😀

Moments later, Kyle woke up for his milk. Seeing that he’s back asleep after that, I had him in my arms! muahahahahha

You know that he’s sound asleep when this happens..

I totally forgot to take a photo of the cute shirts I bought for Kyle. At least.. I think they’re cute lah! Though Bec’s taste is much better than mine. HAHHA

And so.. I left Bec’s place reluctantly at 5.30. Disturbed them for too long already! Mission accomplished!