New design! Doesn’t seem to be as bright as the previous one, but it’s agreed that this design is definitely unique and is an interesting idea. Not all links are in yet, but the main blog urls are all here. =D
More updates. Finally submitted the FYP report on Monday. Not an easy task when the FYP is not completed, but still managed to put in the relevant details and coughed out about 7k worth of words. xD
IBM recruitment talk on Mon evening. Jiawei & Norman dropped by! Jiawei is as serious and Norman is still as funky as before. Haha =D
Gave myself a day break and spent the whole of Tuesday mapling. Only to realise that there’s a module quiz on Friday! haha.. Think I’ve skipped too many lessons! Time to get back on track!
More updates will be done to this design. I still think I’ll revert back to the orangy theme. =D