Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

52 weeks ago, I first stepped foot into my alma mater not as an alumni but as a staff.

6-May-2013 was a pretty memorable day, not only because I started work at a new place, but also because my bus broke down in the middle of the expressway! Imagine my horror back then when we were told to alight at the slip road of BKE-PIE. *horror faced* (An incident worth remembering as not everyone gets a chance to walk along the expressway with the traffic police blocking the traffic for you on a busy Monday morning during the rush hour :P)

Throughout the whole year, it felt like a dream. Everyday was like being on honeymoon. It never occurred to me that I would be able to contribute to my school in such a way! (Of course, you will need to minus off those days where you hear me complain about being in winterland.)

It had always been a dream to work in the education sector – my first dream job as a primary school kid was to become a teacher. (One of my gfs mentioned to me that my dreams are diversified and I have to say she is right! heehee) Despite not being in the academic team now, it is still wonderful to be able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone – doing things that I love with just 1 job. πŸ™‚

So I have to say, I have fulfilled one of my (many) dreams. Achievement unlocked? πŸ˜€

There will definitely be more milestones to achieve, but to be able to keep the passion and love in the job is what makes one feel blessed. Nothing is more important than that.

To many more good years ahead! Happy 1 year anniversary! <3 <3

Trip to Malacca and back.

Took up Fen’s suggestion and joined them on a road trip to Malacca from 6-8 Aug. Glad I didn’t back out at the last minute hehe ;P

7 of us, 2 cars, 3 hrs ride. Totally enjoyed myself, despite having aches on the small thigh from too much of walking.

Reached Malacca at 7pm, checked in and off we went for dinner.

Makkota Hotel Meleka - where we stayed

Across the road from Mahkota Hotel (where we were staying) is Mahkota Parade.

Mahkota Parade

Had Nandos for dinner, since most of us had never tried the Singapore version before. Food was pretty ok, but service was equally bad as Singapore’s (heard from those who tried the SG version). LoL.

Nandos Chicken - Dinner for Day 1

It was a pretty rushed dinner, we had less than 45mins before we had to get incepted. Inception was nice! Felt like we were all in the 2nd/3rd level of the dream. All for just RM8. That’s cheap compared to what we’re paying in Singapore!

Back at the hotel, by the time all of us showered (we had a 3-bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms), tired but not wanting to turn in. 4 of us ended up playing Big-2 & Saboteur (it’s a nice game!) till 4am.

Got woken up by their voices at 8. Was in a groggy state – how can they be so alert after only 4hrs of sleep?!?!?! I need 9!


Headed over to Datarang Pahlawan (on the other side of Mahkota Parade) for Breakfast. Nasi Lemak was so-so, you can find better ones in Singapore.

Walked around the shopping mall and I emerged with cutesey stuff for the kids. LoLs.

Spotted inside Datarang Pahlawan

Saw this fountain and I couldn’t stop snapping!

Fountain inside Datarang Pahlawan

Went back to the hotel ‘coz we had to change to another apartment (due to the lack of 3-room ones for the 2nd night, we had to change to 2 of 2-room ones). And this was what we saw from one of the apartments.

The Eye of Malaysia πŸ™‚

After a short rest, we headed out. Again. This time to the other side of Dataran Pahlawan – the red church (Christ Church Melaka).

Bukit St Paul - Christ Church Melaka

I do not know much about the history about this historical building, except that this is a must-see attraction in Malacca.

Jonker Street - Gai Cheong Gai

Jonker Street (right across the church) is where most of the activities are.

[I’m gonna exclude photos here, since we went to the same places :)]

Took a short break at 三叔公, where the guys had the Durian Chendol. Spent the entire afternoon at Jonker Street, walked over to the Baba Nyonya Museum to find it closed for the day.

Headed off for Peranakan dinner near the Museum, and more walking around Jonker Street. The night market was so bustled with stalls! Very different from day time!

Back to hotel at 11pm. Our feet were all too tired and were aching from all the walk since morning.

The 3rd and last day started only at late-morning, since we had to check out by 12noon.

Chicken Rice Ball! - Brunch for the day

Drove off and parked near the Baba Nyonya Museum, where we proceeded with more walks (again). The trip into the museum proved interesting to me, since I’m quite a fan of the Nyonya culture – no thanks to the Channel 8 drama Little Nyonya. No phototaking was allowed, but here’s our guide for the day. She’s a Nyonya!

Our Nyonya Guide @ the Baba-Nyonya Museum

By the time we left the museum, it was almost 5. Headed off for a quick dinner and off we go – heading home at last!

Yummy Laksa! - Dinner for Day 3

I had a good trip! When are we going to Penang, to continue our Peranakan trail?

Khakis for the trip to Malacca! <3 you guys!

You can view the rest of the album on my Flickr πŸ™‚

Nan Hua Secondary School

Got a call from Junyang yesterday. It ended up with me trying to contact our classmates.

And that fateful night (that’s last night), I dreamt that we were all back as students of Nan Hua Secondary School.

The same old (demolished) building. The same old classroom that we studied in, as sec 4 students. The same old uniform that we wore. The same old classroom layout. The same old faces.

On the chalkboard, are updates of each and everyone of us. Latest contact number and where we all are working.

Oh man I miss you guys. Shall we have a get-together soon?

Congratulations Yusheng & Liting!

Attended Yusheng & Liting’s wedding dinner tonight!

Supposedly I had 2 wedding dinners to attend, but had to sacrifice one. Yusheng’s the lucky one! πŸ™‚

It must have been fate to be classmates for 4 years. Secondary school days are always the most memorable days for most of us. Wasn’t close to them during school days, very surprised that the 2E4 guys never fail to include me in their gatherings in the recent years. Loved hanging out with them, the lame jokes from them. They never fail to make me laugh! But I’ve been told I didn’t laugh loud enough! *faints*

Truth to say, it’s a little awkward when the whole group are guys, and I’m the only female (excluding their gfs). But it’s all in the name of fun. I don’t keep in constant contact with them, it’s heartwarming that I’m remembered as the class monitor (monitress), and that their gfs knows me by name too! Really very touched, thanks guys!

Had a fun night tonight, the thumbprint joke made my night. haha!

Will upload photo(s) when I get from the guys.

The class monitress signing off.

Eiji & Eileen’s wedding

June – Nov 2000 : (Poly year 3 sem 1) Student Internship Programme
Was attached to this company together with Eiji. Classmates for a year at that point of time, but I’d long heard of his intelligence during year 1. And he really was (and still is I believe :p).

Somewhere during those months, being quite “arh” with him, I had updated news. That was when I knew he got attached to Eileen. All I was told, he got to know her online (through a mutual friend, which I later on realised that Eileen’s Drac’s poly-mate). Daily emailS were exchanged between the two of them then, during working hours (LOL).

1 year later, we graduated. Being the usual kay-poh that I’d always been, I started organising (a few) class gatherings. Eileen joined us on a few occassions? (I seriously can’t remember, coz the last gathering I organised was at least 6 years ago).

And we kind-of lost touch after that – I got busy with school and had no time to organise gatherings. But I was updated on Eiji from JK sometimes.

Fast forward to 6 Feb 2009

Received an email from Eiji, titled “My Wedding: Save This Date”. A few of us got together and asked “eh is it still the same girl?”. Sorry dude! That’s the problem when we’re not often in contact with one another! But the bride’s name sounded familiar.

10 May 2009 : The Wedding Day @ Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

It felt more like a course-gathering, seeing 2 tables of familiar faces (and another familiar face wearing the Navy uniform! “Hi Royston!” – a uni fren) :D. I was congratulating the couple during reception when the bride called out my name (that was when I realised “hey it’s the same girl!”), saying that she remembers me from the gatherings I organised. Wow.. Thanks gal! I am honoured!

Congratulations Eiji & Eileen! I hope the next time we meet, there’s good news from both of you!

And here’s the photo that we waited for quite a while after the dinner ended..

Eiji & Eileens wedding
Eiji & Eileen's wedding

Congratulations once again!

PS: I couldn’t find my name on the guest list. Yes, I definitely WAS INVITED. I have the invitation card! *facepalm*

newly-found long-lost friend

A long-lost senior found on facebook!

Thanks Ah Heng for uploading this video.. really brings back lots and lots of memories. I miss TP days πŸ™

And this video.. TP mass dance! It’s still alive! Woohoo~

NTU EEE Night 2008

Hello Mr Ang. If you’re reading this post, these are the videos uploaded by your fans. Have not seen you for quite sometime, when will we ever have a class gathering with you present? =D

been there.

After a long 1 year break from the alumni.. I went back *reluctantly* on Friday for mid-autumn festival celebration.

Like what I told T on msn just now, I’ve been hiding, but now I’ve got no more excuses to hide. Really glad I took this break, it gave me a chance to concentrate 100% on other stuff, especially school work (not that I excelled in it).

I’m still reluctant to participate in activities now. Too used to my own life now. I’m not going to let the alumni rule my life again, it’s time for me to control my time spent at the alumni.

Well, I think I made the alumni sound like the bad guy. I didn’t mean it that way, just that I think I’ve lost the passion I had for the school. Reality struck after graduation from university.

My recent favourite phrase : *angry*

Angry with myself. For being too good-tempered. For being easily bullied. I feel angry, but I do not show it. Disappointed with myself.