XM Family Reunion

Been a while since I updated this blog. Procrastination got the better of me for the past few months, plus there wasn’t any interesting stories to be shared.

August had been a good month – it’s always good when finances are cleared. Can finally heave a sigh of relief! Many people had been telling me that financial planning is important, but I kept ignoring it as instant cash deems more important to me. So two months back, I decided to take the plunge. Now I am finger crossing everything will work out smoothly in the years to come.

And (financial) luck had been good this month too! Been a while since I last striked Toto and 4D. Hehe 🙂

On a random note, if you’ve been a friend of mine for years, you might know the reason why I rejoined XM in 2007. There were several factors of course, but the main factor was that I had such a good time during my short 3 months stint with them in 2003. The culture and the environment XM had was something that I wanted then.

So you can imagine my happiness when the then-CFO initiated an XM Reunion! Initially I was skeptical, for there were many people whom I do not know since I was only there for a short while. I almost “abandoned” the meet-up for a JB-durian trip with the colleagues (which we abandoned the plan because we didn’t have enough sign-ups), and am so glad I didn’t!

It was so good catching up with the ex-XMers after so long! Some of whom I’ve not seen when I left in 2003 (and they had left when I rejoined in 2007).

It is indeed rare for co-workers to have such bonds! I feel so blessed to have been part of it.

So good to see everyone again! I’m now looking forward to the next XM Reunion!

XM Family Reunion 2015
XM Family Reunion 2015

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