Finally Graduated!

Convocation ceremony for NTU Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)  was held on 27th July 10am.

Graduands were to report by 9am for robing and to register latest by 9.40am. Guests were to seated by 9.30am.

Attire for graduands: long sleeve with pants/knee-length skirts(female graduands only)

Attire for my khakis: white-based long sleeve with stripes (of any colour) =D


I thought I was early when I reached Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 8.30am. Never expect the auditorium to be packed when I reached at 9am. LoL.

Robing session began when I found my khakis near the stairs. We had to be robed to get registered.

Serial number 64. Seat number E4. =)


10am. Academic procession began. The academic staff started to proceed towards the stage. Normal orange & blue robes, until.. BLACK! Dracula?!?! But nice ! XD

After speech by Guest Of Honour, the graduands finally started to go up the stage.

As most of my khakis are seated together, we cheered for the rest of the gang who were seated far away from us ;p Thanks to Klenn for bringing up the atmosphere lol

It was quite a long wait, seeing that there were quite a few hundreds of CE graduands, not including the 10 Computer Science graduands.

12noon, academic procession out of the auditorium.

Photo taking session!! Frantically looked around for familiar faces, ran around finding people, took quite a number of photos.

Suddenly the truth struck upon me.  This is going to be the last time the whole cohort are in school together at the same time. Though it won’t be the last time we are all meeting up, I suddenly realise that this chapter has been closed, and I’m stepping into the next chapter of my life. Not that there’s nothing memorable about my years in NTU, there are a few nice memories. Friends that I’ve made especially. Memories on the times spent rushing assignments, struggling with revision for exams with my khakis.. I’m glad I have this group of khakis who are all so willing to stand by one another. The strong friendship among us (we’re a big group with 13-15 members) was my motivation to carry on when I felt so devastated with school work. Thanks pals!

The next episode of our lives has just started. Work life will kill many of us since we’re all in the IT industry. Let’s all work hard and keep the friendship going! Whether you’re in government sector or the private sector, in Singapore or in Japan, salaried-worker or self-employed, no matter who you are, buddies, close friends, good friends or just friends, keep in contact! Especially Ans! Don’t forget to nudge me on msn when you’re bored over at Japan! I’ll gladly keep you entertained! =D