Finally Graduated!

Convocation ceremony for NTU Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)  was held on 27th July 10am.

Graduands were to report by 9am for robing and to register latest by 9.40am. Guests were to seated by 9.30am.

Attire for graduands: long sleeve with pants/knee-length skirts(female graduands only)

Attire for my khakis: white-based long sleeve with stripes (of any colour) =D


I thought I was early when I reached Boon Lay Bus Interchange at 8.30am. Never expect the auditorium to be packed when I reached at 9am. LoL.

Robing session began when I found my khakis near the stairs. We had to be robed to get registered.

Serial number 64. Seat number E4. =)


10am. Academic procession began. The academic staff started to proceed towards the stage. Normal orange & blue robes, until.. BLACK! Dracula?!?! But nice ! XD

After speech by Guest Of Honour, the graduands finally started to go up the stage.

As most of my khakis are seated together, we cheered for the rest of the gang who were seated far away from us ;p Thanks to Klenn for bringing up the atmosphere lol

It was quite a long wait, seeing that there were quite a few hundreds of CE graduands, not including the 10 Computer Science graduands.

12noon, academic procession out of the auditorium.

Photo taking session!! Frantically looked around for familiar faces, ran around finding people, took quite a number of photos.

Suddenly the truth struck upon me.  This is going to be the last time the whole cohort are in school together at the same time. Though it won’t be the last time we are all meeting up, I suddenly realise that this chapter has been closed, and I’m stepping into the next chapter of my life. Not that there’s nothing memorable about my years in NTU, there are a few nice memories. Friends that I’ve made especially. Memories on the times spent rushing assignments, struggling with revision for exams with my khakis.. I’m glad I have this group of khakis who are all so willing to stand by one another. The strong friendship among us (we’re a big group with 13-15 members) was my motivation to carry on when I felt so devastated with school work. Thanks pals!

The next episode of our lives has just started. Work life will kill many of us since we’re all in the IT industry. Let’s all work hard and keep the friendship going! Whether you’re in government sector or the private sector, in Singapore or in Japan, salaried-worker or self-employed, no matter who you are, buddies, close friends, good friends or just friends, keep in contact! Especially Ans! Don’t forget to nudge me on msn when you’re bored over at Japan! I’ll gladly keep you entertained! =D

不能说的秘密 – the unspeakable secret?

Have not been updating my song list, but I heard this song over the radio. Is it Jay who’s changing his style or is it me who has a different impression of his songs now? I actually thought this song is nice.


《不能说的秘密》 电影主打


在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜

又何必去改变 已错过的时间
你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见
想象你在身边 在完全失去之前

你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
或许命运的签 只让我们遇见
只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天
飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片

Invisible City 「备忘录」

Due to LW’s work nature, she was invited to the screening of this documentary film. And me being her good friend and buddy, gets to enjoy this screening as well =D

Invisible City, or  「备忘录」 in Mandarin, is a documentary film. As the title depicts, it’s about the city that existed and still exists, but yet invisible to many of us. You got it, it’s about the history of Singapore, from a different context.

Filmed by a local director, Tan Pin Pin, the main aim of this documentary film, is to let viewers understand the fast pace of change of Singapore from the 1950s till the Singapore that you see today. My point of view, however, I think the film is more on allowing us to appreciate how our peers (e.g. the archaeologists) are trying their best to protect our existing knowledge of Singapore’s history, as well as to dig out more truth about what we’ve learnt from our history textbooks.

It’s an interesting film in general, but you’ll get bored easily if you totally detest history.

I’m actually touched by the works of the characters featured in the film. Especially the foreign expatriates, one who was a housewife here and took photos and developed her own photos in her house just out of pure interest (but hey! She was actually creating memories of Singapore at that time!), and another who took coloured videos in the 60s(or 50s?) (which was the first of its kind at that point of time)  and he being an old man now, still tries his best to keep his films alive by rerecording them again.

In this fast pace of life in Singapore, how much memories do you possess? 10 years down the road, would you remember what you have done today, or would there be any significant event that might happen? Try taking your camera, and take snapshots or short videos as often as you can. Film your family, your grandparents, your friends, all short-lived happiness (like those gatherings you always have with khakis). 10 years or 20 years down the road, you’ll be glad that you have these photos and videos for memories.

30, 50 years down the road, the “Invisible City” that existed today, will be invisible to people of that generation. They will not be able to fully understand what we are going through now in year 2007. The only way to let this city be visible always, is to share your own history, regardless of which media you use.

Let us all create our own history and share with the next generation.


Actually I’ve got a photo blog, one which I upload photos from my mobile phone either when I’m bored or when I see interesting things. =D

Ai Qing De Zi Wei 爱情的滋味

爱情的滋味 -金沙 / 洪俊杨

(JY)朦朦懂懂开始想象你 而你的笑容偏偏让我分心
单单凭这样几封暧昧短信 如何能确定恋爱关系

(JS)忽远忽近爱静静投递 有你道晚安才能安心睡去
多少次望着你孤单的背影 也想从背后轻轻抱你

(JY)那爱情的滋味像滚烫的咖啡 香纯中带着暖暖的苦味
(JS)你知不知道我都无所谓 暗恋滋味尽情回味

(JY)那爱情的滋味像浓烈的香水 妖娆中带着温柔的妩媚
(JS)为你付出再多我也不后悔 (Both)早已深深印在我心扉

(JS)我依然徘徊在原地 也许在等待某个奇迹
(JY)只要你大声说我愿意 不要再怀疑 (Both)我就在这里

the heavenly king

the difference between a rock band concert & heavenly king’s concert: the audience are on the extreme.

Was at Jacky Cheung concert with Yonglin (my Jacky-Cheung-khaki since 11 yrs ago), Shuhua & Shiwei.

As usual, I’m always the backup when someone can’t make it at the last minute. lol.

Back to topic. The audience today, was dead, as compared to Mayday’s concert last month. It’s two concerts on the extreme anyway. One is rock, the other is erm.. heavenly king? =D

But still, Jacky is still as powerful as before. I love his voice. So strong, so powerful. Mixture of concert + musical (combination of Snow Wolf Lake & Perhaps Love – movie starring Jacky himself) , I must say the costly ticket price is worth it. Not much stage decoration, but filled with lots of songs and a close-to-1-hour encore.

The encore brought back memories from sec sch. Songs were classics from the era. Reminded me of those days when YL & me would discuss about Jacky’s songs in class (We were sitting next to each other then). Probably I should dig out all the albums that I have and rip to mp3. The last song, especially, brought back memories on how my class rehearsed for the sch’s 80th anniversary dinner.

One of my personal fave from today’s concert:

『讲你知』 – cantonese
唱 曲 词:张学友



In the midst of recovering..

I .. stopped taking medicine. Mainly because I detest taking pills, not to say that the pills are all white. so plain! = Did I mention I didn’t take the cough medicine as well? It only stops the cough but doesn’t cure it. If you get what I mean. That’s what the doc said anyway.

Everyone’s falling sick, many people on MC these days. The virus is all around. I feel so sian that I don’t feel like working this week. It’s not that I’m not motivated at work, but I feel I need to rest completely. Though on MC, I couldn’t rest well, or should I say, I didn’t rest well. Couldn’t help worrying what’s happening at work. Things always crop up when you’re not around. I don’t like that kind of feeling.

Back to work in office, couldn’t concentrate. Feeling restless. Shucks. that shouldn’t be the way! Especially when there’s internal review coming up! I’m feeling stressed. The last in the production line are always the one suffering when those in front delay production. =

I need to find more motivation in life. Many things yearned for & longed for, and yet out of reach. Discouraging? yes. That’s why I need more motivation to keep me going, and to reach out for the things longed for.


Spent a good 2 hrs waiting at the doc this morning. Decided to get rid of the cough and sore throat all at one go, too irritating. Got MC for standby, in case my cough doesn’t stop. Doc said I have a sensitive nose. =

3 different types of pills + cough syrup. So drowsy after the first dosage that my Sunday afternoon was spent on the bed. And am now feeling weak all over. So weak that I feel like lying on my bed and just sleep.


long story. guess I still need more time to get adapted. Unseen pressure started to build up without myself realising, it’s damn bad when it exploded. Best is my body is also giving way at the same time. What a good timing.

Lesson learnt, be more flexible, more adaptable. A small blunder almost cost me my future.

Mistakes to be treated as experience. But how to treat this obstacle as a challenge?

– Face it bravely and admit you’re wrong.

Things will be better tomorrow. hopefully.