the food sabo-er
This is the original post that I wanted to publish, but the fireworks post got published first ‘coz I thought it’s erm.. more important to share such an important piece of news? =P
While I’ve been away for 5 days, it’s going to be too cliché to say that there’s no updates at all. Other than the normal trips to school (almost) daily, I think I’ve taken too many cab trips. Not wanting to be late for lecture, I’ve been taking cab (with booking fee and that peak period extra charge). The main point here is, I have to scrimp and save till I get my next pay at the end of the month =(
Oh I realise my dress sense is getting slightly better! *winkz* slightly ‘coz I think there’s more improvement needed! The same goes to my makeup skills! But but but! Putting on makeup is too much a hassle in the mornings when I’m rushing for school = Including the time I take to decide the clothes for the day, from the moment I wake up till the time I get ready for school (without breakfast), it takes only 15mins. If you were to include makeup time, I think I’ll only be ready in 30mins *lol*
Anywayz I took a bold move on Thurs. Knowing very well that I cry easily, even when watching a-little-bit-sad shows, I still chose to start watching 1 リットル の 涙 (Ichi Ritoru no Namida – 1 litre of tears). Based on a real-life story, it’s about this 15 year old high school girl who got struck with this incurable disease, how she overcame the initial acceptance of it. It’s a real sad story, especially when the girl excels not only in basketball but in her studies as well. Watch only if you won’t accumulate 1 litre of tears. I’ve accumulated almost 2litres and I’m not even at the last episode. = A piece of advice: Don’t watch continuously! xD
Went TP this evening. Think I misuderstood the sms sent by HC = I thought it was a CSC gathering since Joel & Andrew S are the organisers. Turned out to be TPGA graduate dinner. Felt cheated! Reached at 6, as stated in the sms. The organisers turned up only at 6.30. I’d already planned beforehand to leave early since I’m mtg my SCE khakis for dinner. But I still have to pay $15!!!! blah! That’s one MAIN reason why I didn’t join TPGA! boo!
Anyway the dinner with the gang was fun! Western food @ Clementi Central B325 – Botak Jones. Nice food! But too big a serving! Couldn’t finish! As usual for me lah.. since I dun eat a lot. Den Phee had to remind everyone about the claypot incident 2 years back, when he had to finish 20 bowls of claypot rice ‘coz I could only manage 2-3 bowls. LOL.. And that’s how I got my nick – the food sabo-er. Keep it up. ahahhaha
Not a very lengthy entry for a week worth of updates.
To the someone who hope to have a closure to whatever issue we had, happy waiting. You won’t be forgiven for what you’d done to me and to the other skirts. Just stay out of my sight, stay out of my life. I can’t stop people from updating me on your status, but I just ain’t interested whether you’re dead or alive. Get lost! boo!
K back to my final episode of 1リットルの涙!
post-edit at 3.15am
argh! Why did I still cry like nobody’s business when I already know the ending since episode1? Verdict: it should be titled 2 litres of tears =X
Dear All,
The Singapore River Hongbao 2007 will be held from the 16 Feb to 4 March.
Below is the schedule of the firework displays for seven days:
16 Feb (Fri) – Opening Ceremony
9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Duration of Fireworks : 3 mins
17 Feb (Sat) Eve of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration : 5- 8 mins
18 Feb (Sun) – 1st Day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
19 Feb (Mon) – 2nd Day of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
24 Feb (Sat)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
25 Feb (Sun)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
4 Mar (Sun) – 15th day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
Blissful family!
I feel blessed to have such a close-knitted family! That’s for my mum’s side of course! All of us met up for lunch @ CCK Sports Complex today, though I don’t know for what occasion, but it’s great to gather up again!
first dish! 鱼生!
鱼生 with everything on it
this was what’s on my plate initially. there’s more to go =
the poor fish didn’t expect its’ head to be in my stomach in the end
salted chicken
scallop with brocolli
eh I dunno what dish is this.. hahaha
whee! prawns!! most of them had to go thru surgery under my hands..
they stacked food on my plate while I was away! =
orh-ni! not very tasty though..
tt’s us being lame
Only managed to take 3 out of the 5 table photos, taken using my phone. Quality seems to be not too bad! =D
And I read from Jiawen’s blog that each table cost $488?!?! The total cost was $2440. Wah… Thanks 2nd uncle for the treat!
Flag day!
The number of times I was involved in a flag day, I think, is 5, including today’s.
The first time, was in Secondary School, when community work ( CIP points ) wasn’t compulsory. Though I couldn’t remember which organisation it was for, I remembered clearly I partnered with Xinyi, collected the tin @ Holland Village, and solicited for donations @ Clementi MRT Station.
The second time, was during my Poly year 1 orientation. We were selling bandanas! Together with Louise and Shufen, we almost walked around the whole of Yishun trying to sell. After which we headed back to school! Yes all the way back to Tampines! = Oh FYI! This flag day is the so-called finale for our school orientation, where the amount collected by each individual school (School of IT & Applied Science, School of Design, School of Business, School of Engineering – the various schools 8 yrs ago) was tabulated and the school with the highest amount will gain additional points to the overall competition. Wah I still remembered those days! After the flag day it was the traditional Jam & Hop!
K the third time, was Tulip Hearts Day. Was out with Xinyi & her friend, we went Novena area, then to Far East and walked all the way to Suntec. It was fun carrying the bunch of tulips (fake one lah.. lol), selling them to get donations for Children’s Cancer Society. =D
The forth time! Was when I was one of the organisers of the flag day. Hahah… Known as CHILD – Caring Hearts for Innocent Little Dreams. Organised by TP Community Service Club! Together with Celine, Ris, Dennis, Wanni.. Ahhh the committee is too big! LOL! We were selling Sasha bears!! Yeah and my station was Woodlands! Together with daddy and my group of GLs! yes yes.. After which we all headed BACK to TP! Just imagine.. Woodlands is ssssooooooo near to my house = But still, I had fun walking around school while the rest of the “counting” committee are doing the counting of the money. Hahaha xDD
Oh the 5th time! Today! Was at Lot1, managing the booth for Singapore Disability Sports Council =D Literally stoned there till 3+, ‘coz there were no extra tins for me to use. Hahha.. Sat there and chit-chat with my partner, who also happens to be a 4th year NTU EEE student! Lol.. We got flown-aeroplanes.. waited for the extra-tins-from-other-collection-centres since 11+am till the time the van came to pick up the already-filled-tins at 6+pm. :S But still, it’s nice to know a new friend!
fantasy mood
I’m getting out of the fantasy mood, but 小乌龟 is still my favourite song at the moment. It has been on repeat mode in my player for 3 days and still going strong!
I realise it’s dangerous to watch drama serials continuously for long hours. It happened to me not once but twice! Most of the time I’ll get engrossed into the plot, that I’ll tend to bring the story from reel life to real life. I’ll get so dazed that I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing. The first time it happened was ISWAK, it’s too much of a fairytale, but one just can’t help wishing to have a 江值树 in her life. This time round, the culprit is 《微笑 Pasta》. Probably because it never happened in my life, but it’s amazing how the relationship can blossom within a short span of 3 months.
For this whole week, I’ve been feeling like I’m in a dream. Mostly because of the show, since I finished watching only on Saturday, but the fact that I’m staying over at my uncle’s place triggered the dream switch. I have a room of my own, that comes with a computer table big enough to place my laptop and my notes, and it has a table lamp. Stuff which I do not have in my house. A room that is shared between me & my sis, a computer table that is always hogged by my brother, a study table in the living room that is unofficially mine but it isn’t that bright enough for studying in the late hours. And the more important thing is, I only need a maximum of 45mins to reach school from here, compared to 1.5hrs when I travel from home. From tomorrow night onwards, I’ll be back to reality. boo!